Seven methods form out the stalwart baby
Parents, who does not want one's own baby's health to be sturdy, then, what to do to make you reach the wish? The expert proposes, might as well work hard from scientific diet.
First, breast milk and diatery supplement bring out the best in each other
Recommend breast milk feed now, undoubtedly advantage that breast milk feeds. The expert proposes, it is long by 4 to 6 months for child (weight is invited
7 kilograms
),Should add diatery supplement rationally, follow from little to get more, from rare to being thick, from detailed to being thick and from one to many kinds of principle, such as egg yolk, congee, surface stretch, minced meat, liver mud,etc.. Arrange gradually according to the baby's digestion power, must guard against grasping too much.
Second, staple food and snacks can't be biased
The baby generally weans in about very exact age, the staple food is no doubt very important at this moment, but the snacks can't be ignored either, it is not all wise move to give or not give at all arbitrarily simply. A copy of survey materials of U.S.A. reveals, the child reaches 20% of the total amount of heat from the heat that is obtained in the snacks, it accounts for 15% that always absorb quantity to obtain vitamin and minerals, the snacks is child's necessary heat and important supplement of nutrient. But should notice the intersection of variety and choose and knowing and arrangement of quantity of snacks. For example: Morning is offered high heat food of small quantity such as small cakes or 2 to 3 biscuits, take a few fruit afternoon, give snacks behind the dinner, but can drink a cup of milk before sleeping.
Third, eat sharing everything with the incomplete food expensively
It was high and low that many parents got used to weighing food with level of the price, thought the more beneficial to the baby the food of the more expensive price is, in fact, the milk, egg, meat, beans, fruits and vegetables and grain of ordinary price were that the children grew to need. Milk, amino acid including amino acid composition and human cell tissue of protein of egg are very close, it is high to digest and assimilate the utilization ratio. Carnivorous and contains microelements such as abundant iron, zinc,etc., its nutritive value far exceeds the cream cake costing an arm and a leg.
Fourth, fruit are combined with the vegetables perfectly
Some parents think fruit nutrition is superior to the vegetables, in addition the fruit mouthfeel is good, the child likes it accepting even more, therefore the heavy fruit of light vegetables, even replace the vegetables with the fruit. In fact, fruit and vegetables have their own strong points each, nutrition difference very loud. Generally speaking, the vegetables are even more important in development of the more baby compared with fruit. Certainly, the fruit has unexistent health care advantage of vegetables too, so the two should give consideration to, complement each other, can't be biased, let alone replace each other.
Fifth, soft food and hard food and concurrently constructing
The endurance that young parents often worry about the baby for the baby's deciduous teeth, always limit or avoid the hard food, but the medical expert tells us: Baby's price moon after being born in, its projecting cheek bone and gingivae had already developed to certain extent, it is enough to chew the semi-solid even solid food. After deciduous teeth are sprouted out, should eat some and rich in the fiber even more, there is food of certain hardness, for instance fruit, biscuit,etc., in order to increase chewing the frequency of the baby, affect the sports of facial muscle and eyes skin through chewing movements, accelerate the blood circulation, promote tooth bending, development of projecting cheek bone and surface bone, good for the brain as well as improve looks.
Sixth, meat or fish food and vegetarian diet work along both lines
Usually people call the animal food food of meat or fish, though the food of meat or fish is nutritious, the mouthfeel is good too, but the fat content is high, so should limit, can't eat more. Parents are while giving the baby pantry, it is half and half to accomplish the meat, dish, the meat and vegetables is matched.
Seventh, take food and drink the water and run neck and neck
Pay attention to, take food, ignore, drink the water it is another that many parents exist that feed the mistaken idea. Water forms tissue cells and the humoral important composition, the smaller age is, it is many that demands for water are relative. So among every meal, should give child a certain amount of water to drink. It is suitable for boiled water, mineral water to supply water.
Stalwart baby
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