Settle the awkward _ show taking place in flat crew cut and take place and attend to in three small wonderful methods
If hairdo that you modify meticulously become, collapse while being fade, mood can the low state get off thereupon too certainly. In fact make the flat hair show again full and round and too vividly to need very long time.
gt; gt; gt; Recommendation: Send testing in show: How often should you wash hair
middot; Comb the hair root:
Draw, set out, comb in bag, hold two place in hair, hair towards pull upward frank, it use on comb begin from scalp place of two inches in sending above root from at under, light to comb the hair of backside. The hair of the back adopts this law to comb.
middot; Tie up hair:
If other all methods try, become effective, as comb pieces of smooth the intersection of horse and tail in back.
middot; Dry the wet beautiful hair:
If you knock the rainy day unfortunately, or fall into the awkward situation streaming with sweat, take a towel and drip the rainwater or sweat on the hair to the limit.
How to prevent the hair from being soft and out of shape:
Styling gel, Li's water,etc. are protected don't be used to send the products too much. If expect it may rain, can wipe some waterproof and dampproof moulding the hair products on the hair.
Use hair-dryer dry up hair and finalize the design, should provoke upwards sending rooting, aim at, take place root part, blow blowing draughting, in order to make the hair root hold up upwards.
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