Three methods are effective Urgent thin fat upper part of the body - reduce weight
Leave the wheeling type
Kneel on the blanket, both arms are put below the shoulder. Stretch your both legs, land with the tiptoe, in this way your body becomes the posture of the push-up. Shrink your belly.
Keep your belly tightening up, crooked your elbow, then lower your health, health in you overhead to have only odd position. Keep elbow and both arms nearing the body. Keep this movement for 10 to 30 seconds, if your shoulder is problematic, can try the simple edition.
Dip in ground sports on the chair
Place your both hands behind you on the edge of the chair backward, the body becomes that sits down vertically, notice that supports the body with both hands. Stretch your right leg, your left leg is bent and met at an angle of 90 degrees.
Bend your elbow, lowering your thigh in the ground direction slowly backward. Keep accepting in the elbow. To pull upward get up back, both arms in you stretch. Pay attention to not using foot as supporting. Each group is done for 8 to 15 times. The left foot is stretched, do repeatedly.
The triceps spread sports
Having stretched your left arm straight the top of the head, then has bent in your right shoulder direction on your back.
Catch left elbow of you with right hand of you, a gentle one spur elbow of you in order to devote more efforts to drawing toward your right shoulder. Keep this movement for 20 seconds, then change the right arm to do repeatedly.
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