Know the normal value of the liver Ultrasonography B? tests the inspection
Because Ultrasonography B is checked, damaged, not had painful, safe and reliable advantage that can be checked repeatedly, received by patient favourably very much. Especially to liver disease, Ultrasonography B can play the auxiliary function that diagnose while checking. While doing Ultrasonography B to check, the doctor often measures liver, judge the condition according to the data measured: So, know its normal value can assist you to understand and check the report:
The largest oblique foot-path of right liver: Do not exceed 12.14 centimetres. With right: It is a standard that the vein pours into the oblique tangent plane audiovideo picture of bottom flange of rib of the lower vena cava.
Before and after the right leaf of liver directly: Do not exceed 8-10 centimetres, measure the maximum vertical distance of the front and back reason of liver got among the rib on the audiovideo picture of the tangent plane.
Half a liver thickness and length of left: Not exceeding 5-6 centimetres thick, length does not exceed 5-9 centimetres.
Leaf length and too thick to exceed 4.5 centimetres of end of liver. Audiovideo picture vena cava vertical sections lower,at for liver left near ends intravenous,it is last departments horizontal to portal vein left not to play, it is wide not to exceed 4.0 centimetres, does not exceed 2.0 centimetres thick; Leaf thickness of end while measuring lower vena cava and left of portal vein to prop up in oblique tangent plane propped up through the left of portal vein.
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