Discover the grapefruit helps to treat diabetes
Israel's latest research finds, the grapefruit helps to treat glycosuria.
Jerusalem that presides over this research wishes the uncle comes to the university to receive the inferior Sri Lankan Professor of the Kazakhstan rice and introduce, the grapefruit has acerbity, because it contains abundant anti-oxidant composition shaddock glucoside and mixes the base. To discover shaddock glucoside mix base, treat 2 type curative effect of diabetes, can match in excellence or beauty with 2 kinds of diabetic medicines used extensively at present newly they, the therapeutic effect is close. The grapefruit is also called Portugal
The intersection of grape and shaddock, size like the intersection of tangerine and orange, belong to the intersection of mandarin orange and tangerine, because and result its become bunch if grape get name. Its fruit juice is delightful to lean towards acid, slightly bitter, rough flavor, nutrition is abundant, can enter medicines. The grapefruit juice can reduce human insulin and glucose level, make the sugar difficult to turn into the fat, help to reduce weight. Inferior Sri Lankan, rice of Kazakhstan, think shaddock glucoside buy base, help the human body to raise to the insulinogenic sensitivity, make the liver decompose more fat, the diabetic who accepts drug therapy often eats grapefruits, curative effect will be better.
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