Summary _ mineral of silicon
Brief introduction of silicon
Silicon exists on the earth extensively. Accounts for more than 1/4 of the total quality of the earth's crust, find too in the living beings that there are silicons. Nature silicon exists in the form of two of oxidizing the silicon and silicate. Silicon can take shape
Silicon - the intersection of silicon and key, silicon - the intersection of hydrogen and key, silicon - carbon bond and silicon - nitrogen key. Silicon nearly includes 240mg each kilogram in the human body, mainly have skin, tendon, Mao Fa, point (toe) First, in cartilage and artery wall, various more than amino candies (sulfuric acid cartilage usually reach Heparin and transparent and sour) Also contain silicons.
Discovery of silicon
Have, report the intersection of silicon and tendon, the intersection of tendon and relatively high content under membrane and eyes in animal already will it be the first 1901 years 100 year. Someone may have function against atherosclerosis to put forward silicons later, but did not prove silicons were the essential elements of chicken and big mouse until with 1972 animal's experiment. Confirmed later silicon was the essential microelement keeping human body's normal life activity indispensable. Just see a lot of research work of physiological function of biochemistry and nutrition about silicon after 1974.
Food source
Silicon exists in high fibrous food, cereal peel and rhizome vegetables, there is less content for and the meat, fish and milk. The food is apt to lose when refined, if the whole oat content is 460mg/100g, and only have 13mg/100g after refining. The whole rice includes 36mg/100mg, it is 7mg/100g after refining, water is a main absorption source of silicon too, silicon content is 2- 12mg/L in water.
The supersession is absorbed
Silicon and respiratory tract enter the human body mainly through digest. General crowd mainly through diet and medicine to suck silicon ' Such as resisting three magnesium silicide of acid pharmaceutical) Take in silicons, and some professional crowds mainly suck silicons through the respiratory tract. Free element silicon does not exist in the nature, the absorption rate of silicon differs widely in accordance with different combination forms. Aluminium silicic acid and oxidizing the difficult absorption of silicon, about 1% of absorption rate two times. And some organic silicon absorption rates can be reached 30% - 50% . Some factor and estrogen reduce, can obviously lower the ability to absorb silicon such as being old and feeble. Enter silicon of digestive tract, can absorb into blood and lymphocytic system by the mucous membrane of intestines and stomach, but the absorption is not so obvious. Silicon is distributed with the blood circulation to every organization of whole body, then mainly discharge through the urine, may exist in the urine in the form of straight magnesium silicic acid. Loss skin cell, hair, point ( Toe) First is a lost route of silicon too. Enter internal silicon through the respiratory tract, there is slight silicon dust that can reach the alveolus, its soluble part is absorbed rapidly, the part that can't be dissolved can be engulfed, or enter the lymphocytic system, or enter the quality among the lung through the alveolus wall, the part not engulfed can be retained in the alveolus for a long time, and cause pneumosilicosis.
Physiological function
Silicon essential until connective tissue, cartilage form, silicon can the mutual link of mucopolysaccharide, and combine mucopolysaccharide to protein, forms the fiber structure, thus increase the elasticity and intensity of the connective tissue, maintain the integrality of the structure; Silicon participates in the calcification of the bone, work at the initial stage of the calcification, silicon in the food can increase the speed of the calcification, especially the result is more obvious when calcium is low in intaking amount; About 21% are the hydroxyproline that collagen hits amino acids, the ammonia acyl hydroxy enzyme chest enables proline hydroxyls, this enzyme needs silicons while revealing the biggest vigor; Through the collagenic analysis to different sources, the result reveals silicons are that collagen makes up one of the compositions.
Need crowds
The patient of nutrition may lack silicons outside the clinical last intestines and stomach, especially the pediatrics patient may influence one to influence skeleton development, in addition should pay attention to wound patient's lacking silicons too, is it because collagen is formed badly and influencing the wound to heal.
Physical needs
Because there are no experiment materials of human silicon requirement, it is difficult to put forward the demand for daily silicon of appropriate human body, calculated by animal's experiment, if silicon is apt to absorb, the requirement of the human body may be 2- 5mg every day. But the majority of silicon difficult to absorb, recommend intaking amount about 5- 10mg in every day in the meal, it is suitable that can be thought to take in 20- 50mg every day.
Excessive to behave
The crowd of high silicon diet has found cooking stove glomerulus nephritis of the office, the silicon content obviously increase in the kidney is organized. Also report someone take magnesium silicic acid in a large amount ' Suck silicons and resist sour pharmaceutical) May bring out human urine way calculus. Suck a large amount of dust containing silicon for a long time by the respiratory tract, can cause pneumosilicosis.
Silicon deficiency disease
It can make the animal grow slowly to lack silicons in the feed. Animal test result reveal, feed, raise, cause arteriosclerosis supplement silicons while in beverage, structure of the aorta helping to watch for animals. In addition, have already confirmed a kind of sclerosis intensity of silicon content and people and porridge of animal has been the inverse ratio in the blood vessel wall. In the long-term morbidity of disease of cardiovascular vessel differs by the crowds of two, the content difference of silicon invites twice in its drinking water, there are ill less crowds of drinking water silicon with tall content. And his known dangerous factor can't fully explain this kind is different.
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