70% suffer from diarrhoea the patient does not need to use antibiotic
Brief content:The expert points out, 70% diarrhoea does not need to use antibiotic in our country at least.
Suffer from diarrhoea disease have infection and non-infective difference, antibiotic unnecessary to use to non-infective diarrhoea.
At being present and clinical " China suffer from diarrhoea disease diagnose healing solution " that popularize ' Abbreviated as the scheme) Put out in 1993, scheme this change, set up old diarrhoea that stand up, treat idea such as fasting, employ the intravenous infusion, abuse the antibacterial medicine too much will it be the fifties last century ' Antibiotic, sulfanilamide,etc.) Wait, has established new treatment idea and method, including continuing the diet, employ the salt of oral fluid infusion (prevent from dehydrating) Correct and dehydrate, the intestinal mucous membrane of rational application protects pharmaceuticals, correct and abuse antibacterial medicine,etc.. 3 modifications have not shaken this new therapeutic idea so far, the new modification fermenting will not shake this idea either, but the popularization of this scheme has much work that does.
Suffer from diarrhoea and employ the intestinal mucous membrane to protect pharmaceuticals and add the salt of oral fluid infusion to the water sample, employ antibiotic have curative effect can bring a lot of bad reaction, cause and produce and is able to bear the medicine fungus, fungus group many kinds of danger of lacking proper care etc., reduce resistance instead, make it delay, heal or continue dual to infect not to suffer from diarrhoea; But suffer from diarrhoea to the blood of suppuration, should employ the antibiotic treatment normally in time; The non-infective diarrhoea that reasons such as the climate sudden change improper to the diet of antimicrobial,etc. cause is certainly invalid. This is that a lot of experts say " 70% do not need to use antibiotic to suffer from diarrhoea while treating " Origin.
The expert says, the long-term application of antibacterial medicine, especially wide table antibiotic will lead to the fact the intestinal fungus group is disorderly, make diarrhoea heal or not. So must after not diagnosing clear, under the guidance of doctor reasonable, capacity, using antibiotic normally.
The editor recommends:Hygienic habit which look very clean
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