Thursday, July 12, 2012

The husband donates the kidney and rescues the uremic wife Postoperative situation of asking the wife first while reviving

The husband donates the kidney and rescues the uremic wife Postoperative situation of asking the wife first while reviving
" the wife, you are in the operating room, OK "
Fetch kidney rescue Hong Zhao of wife light greet the wife at first while being postoperative yesterday
August 22, this newspaper report Sichuan Province Wusheng the intersection of county and the intersection of Yuan and the intersection of mouth and town villager great and smooth in Zhao, in order to rescue suffering from the uremic wife, decide to donate one's own a piece of kidney. At 30 past 7 morning of yesterday, is taking it to the wife's love and commitment, Zhao Hong only came into the operating room.
In the afternoon of yesterday, Zhao Hong only finished 6 hours the operation gets back to the ward, wife Liu LianMei was still in the operation. Just reviving from anesthetic, Zhao HongGuang asked uncle Liu LianMei that one helped the cloud at first: "How about my wife in the operating room? "
"Liu LianMei is OK, rest assured. " Piece help cloud pacify great light Zhao in a hurry. Zhao Hong only blinks and says: "Really want to see her. " "Wait for a bit more healthily, let you look enough. " One helps the cloud to say crying. Then, Zhao Hong only tells reporters: "Thank the evening paper. " Hereafter, the relatives forbade him to speak again. "He needs to have a rest. "
"In the evening before yesterday, the couple said many words. " Surnamed ward mate say, because should have an operation to light and one of the ward of Zhao Hong, the evening before yesterday, great mere couple Zhao eat, sit at sick bed chatting, Hong Zhao say a lot of the intersection of encouragement and what of LianMei Liu only: "My kidney is your kidney, we two are heart linked to heart, the kidney is connected with the kidney. "
On August 23, one helps the cloud and 4 relatives, spend the hired car of more than 300 yuan coming to Chongqing from Wusheng county of Sichuan on a special trip, he tell reporter whether HongGuang Zhao determine and LianMei Liu take pieces of group photo, afraid Liu connect the intersection of plum and cold with originally, influence the operation, give up temporarily.
"Will it be am 6 o'clock yesterday, Hong Zhao come Liu connect plum with, in front of the sick bed, encourage her not to be afraid of only. One helps the cloud to say, Zhao Hong only teases and says: "By now, you mean having three pieces of kidney. " Liu LianMei who has been keeping silent all the time " Titter" Having smiled, she is drawing Zhao HongGuang's hands, asks him to take care, Zhao HongGuang answers: "You should hold out. "
"Very anxious all the time. " Piece help the intersection of cloud and wife claim, know Zhao great and only healthy, it is risky to have an operation early, do not certainly wish him to donate the kidney. One helps the cloud to claim, Zhao Hong's mere father has had an operation, mother is a blind person, the baby has problematic intelligence, the Zhao Hong light as host, if the health will not resume well afterwards, what shall whole family do? This is what they worry about most.
"We have given 3000 yuan. " One helps the cloud to say, some other relatives have all paid the bill too. "Whole family all, which have difficulty, should do the best help. " Come Chongqing this time, look after great smooth couple Zhao, recover, they did not return to homeland.
Are light and Liu LianMei's operation of Zhao Hong smooth? Doctor in charge Israel " It is inconvenient to reveal " From,refuse politely reporter interview. It is reported several hundred at present, among the relative renal transplantation, intravital renal transplantation under couple, more rare.



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