Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Three major factors increase the risk _ prevention and health care of hepatocarcinoma

Three major factors increase the risk _ prevention and health care of hepatocarcinoma
The expert points out, the combination of excessive drunking, diabetes and virus hepatitis will increase, suffer from hepatocarcinoma (HCC) greatly Possibility,and it remind will certainly should notice whether ill hidden danger patient of them all physician, for example, fat enduring whom hepatitis virusing tormenting to the fullest extent and having serious patienting that drunkinging used to it stature those.
The researchers from Southern California university are to the viral and non- viral risk reason which cause hepatocarcinoma in the experiment of investigation to 295 hepatocarcinoma patients Have usually analyzed. Exactly the same as ones that estimate, at first, liver virus and Model C liver virus of Model B cause the risk factor of hepatocarcinoma, and separate, having an effect bigger to hepatocarcinoma of liver virus of Model C among them. Secondly, the appropriate one drinks and can reduce the risk of suffering from hepatocarcinoma and reach more than 40%, but on the contrary, excessively getting drunk will increase its ill probability to a great extent. Third, the test also indicates it is 2.7 times of the normal people's that the people with medical history of glycosuria suffer from the probability of hepatocarcinoma.
In addition, the investigator finds, some matching appears in once these three kinds of risk factors, its result is more troubling. Excessively getting drunk and meeting the medical history of glycosuria and presenting at the same time will increase the risk probability which suffers from hepatocarcinoma and reach more than 17 times. In addition, hepatitis virus, diabetic virus or combination getting drunk will make ill possibility greater, each kind of combination will make the ill rate 48 times higher than normal people.
These factors are to cause so many main reasons in the world of hepatocarcinoma case, the answer that and this test is received will be very helpful for liver cancer cell to measure in early days to in the future, at its early stage after all, hepatocarcinoma is easier to control and even treat.


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