Friday, August 3, 2012

Three major the intersection of eyes and the intersection of line and technique of painting make collude _ of soul electric eye eyes make up

Three major the intersection of eyes and the intersection of line and technique of painting make, collude _ of soul electric eye eyes make up
Though most people know the line of eyes is a piece of good things, does not know how to start the picture! Arrange and recommend the technique of painting of three kinds of eye lines small, teach you how to make and cancel soul's seductive eyes.

First, secret weapon: Eye liner
Mainly include the single pen type, two hair styles and automatic pen type three kinds. The eye liner is most suitable for the new hand and set out on a journey, and the texture of the refill has determined it can already describe naturally random eyes to make up, can create and overstate the eyes line with sheer sense, it is this that has limited age level of using it too.
For: Half-mature woman ' About 23~28 years old)
Natural dressing can let their time have lethality if the half-mature women youth is pressing, simple, when turning into the body party woman, advocate the feeling of overstating the advance guard again, and all these are that eye liners are good at.
Recommend the reason: Think how to draw what a picture
Most suitable for and afraid of the young girl troubled.
Think of the intersection of picture and eye shadow in the Xia Ri, like, scribble mascara, want, let way that eyes give out light to draw a with a girth of eyes thread still, so as to stress the eyes outline. When Party of night comes, can also select the eye liner with bright color for use and make and produce the model eyes line which overstates the advance guard. When choosing to have sponge to brush the eye liner of the head, also can faint and dye and go out of the eye shadow result with getting blue, the intersection of eyes and line such as being purple directly.
Selected the pen main point: Hard refill Vivid color
The hard refill is suitable for the thick eyes thread in the outstanding eyes outline; And while operating the eyes line of model to make up, had better choose to be suitable for Xia Ri's light tone, such as azure, on purple, silver powder,etc., avoid the black, coffee color, this kind of color of the large area will let people have tired out feelings.
The blemish in an otherwise perfect thing: Apt to let faint and make up, it is unable to reach exquisite eyes to make up the result
Refill in the eye liner include oil to be relatively abundant, firm to make up result to be good, so easy to faint, make up, and the brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy is relatively thick, it is unable to reach meticulous making up the result.
Unique rare book
1.The lower eyes thread is looked at and made up but fix: If it is little to smoke, make up for you to choose, so lower the intersection of eyes and the intersection of line and picture of wanting, will not give people a top-heavy feeling like this.
If you choose light eyes to make up, the lower eyes thread needn't be drawn, once draw the feeling of standing up the frame. The good eyes type parallelogram of only picture, two acute angles among them are our internal and external canthus, and short distance of side equivalent to 2/3 length of place under eyelid under other canthus get, can sweep upper and upper eyelid and eye shadow of the color on this distance, come intact eyes are made up.
2.Upper and lower eyes threads must be had: Eyes it is white to draw the intersection of eyes and the intersection of line and resenting most large for tail to wear, first, esthetic, give somebody feel you to be very much meticulous, these details are often beautiful others give you impression to add the key divided.
3.The canthus can elongate round eyes after fill-uping: This kind of technique of painting is quite popular this year. There are in line on eyeses upper as finishing,eyes tail and at there fill-up is eyes line contained angle the blanks of place, it had better be the suitable having in mind flat way to draw, the one that don't be used and colluded up, does not prevail now! Must remember the small triangle of the canthus should be fill-uped!


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