Thursday, September 20, 2012

Three kinds of bad habits are apt to get into _'s prevention and health care of cancer of the esophagus

Three kinds of bad habits are apt to get into _'s prevention and health care of cancer of the esophagus
Cancer of the esophagus has already been forced into the young crowd in the city quietly at present. Just Mr. Li more than 30 years old liked eating the food of the spicy scalding type deeply when being flat this year, basically a meal meal is hot. Before the several month, he appear dry cough, difficult the following swallow take food, and with the sense of choking with sobs, such symptoms as the body becomes thin, are diagnosed as one section of cancers in the esophagus in later period.
Cancer of the esophagus is mankind's common digestive tract malignant tumour, the morbidity occupies the fourth of malignant tumour, men and women accounting for 80% in the persons who have illness coming on over the 2:1, 50 in ratio of morbidity. In recent years, age of morbidity of cancer of the esophagus has the tendency to become younger, the young people under the age of 35 are ill to obviously increase, account for, have illness coming on 30% of the total number of person. 35- 50% of the patients of cancer of the esophagus relate to bad diet and habits and customs.
Three kinds of bad habits and customs are easy to be carcinogenic
Alcohol is a great deal of a very important factor while causing the cause of disease to be plain of cancer of the esophagus, the danger of cancer of the esophagus takes place to the person drinking beer in a large amount 10 times higher than that of the persons who do not drink. The intersection of smoking and the intersection of emergence and too with smoke increase of quantity and increase danger in cancer of the esophagus, smoke every daying exceeds No. 10 Branch, it is dangerous and relatively big.
The emergence of cancer of the esophagus, one that is with food is overheated, simply hard, make coarsely and eating too fast, it is closely related to like to eat the spicy and amazing food. Such as liking drinking and using the hot tea, like to eat food such as the garlic, vinegar and hot pepper, does not eat small fish and breakfast,lunch and dinner with thorn on time,etc.. In addition, have a liking for too spicy and amazing food of food,etc. in a large amount for a long time, can also destroy the oesophageal mucous membrane, continue the hair canceration.
The emergence of cancer of the esophagus is related with the shortage of the nutriment too. The diet is improper, especially fresh fruit, vegetables and protein of animal are taken in insufficiently, eating and pickling, going mouldy etc. contains inferior nitre amine, nitrate and inferior nitrate and food which contain the fungi toxin, the morbidity of cancer of the esophagus increases.
The expert reminds: Should give up some bad habits and customs at first, pay attention to balanced meal nutrition, pay attention to appropriate taking exercises, there is potential and dangerous disease on chronic esophagitis, esophagus mucomembranous hickie and oesophageal polyp,etc. and should be treated in time.


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