See _'s other methods of weight-reducing menu that blood group determines you
First, recipe of the Model O blood are proposed
The blood of Model O is a kind of very old blood group in anthropology, the ability of digestive organs is strong, have immune system made to the food surplus, so the one that can't lack in the recipe most is animal protein, for instance meat and fish,etc., they are very strong to the digestion power of the vegetables.
Suitable for the food: Beef, mutton, fresh cheese, bean curd, onion, turnip, what has been produced in northern sea area such as the sweet potato, apple, shaddock, grape, pear, water-melon, peach, cod, herring and blue and white fish is fatty more fish are most worth giving a recommendation.
Resent the food: But common grain and bread food should be eaten few, extremely bad to the grain appetite because of person of the blood of Model O, other source agglutinin in the food will hinder the supersession of the blood of Model O, make you getting fat unconsciously.
Weight-reducing food: Marine shell's animal, cabbage, spinach, red meat, animal's liver, seafood and green leaves vegetables. If lean against grain, beans, cabbage, potato,etc. reduce weight, that will be futile.
Second, recipe of the Model A blood are proposed
The blood of Model A is the second kind of blood group seen at most, compared with blood people of the Model O, the digestive organs of person of the blood of Model A are much weaker.
Suitable for the food: The ancestor of the person of the blood of Model A is engaged in the agricultural cultivation thing at first, quite adapt to the recipe relying mainly on vegetarian diet, bean curd, soya bean, egg and vegetables are very suitable to them, some vegetable protein such as soybean and protein is their best healthy food, often eat and can prevent cardiovascular vessel disease and cancer.
Resent the food: Try hard to eat little food of meat. In addition, cream, various cheese, ice cream, milk,etc. should be limited to regard pure milk as the food made of raw materials.
Weight-reducing food: Olive oil, soybean, green leaves vegetables and pineapple. As to the food putting on weight, it is not not genera such as meat, milk product, Kidney bean and wheat,etc..
Third, recipe of the Model B blood are proposed
Compare with A type with O type, but the B type is blood group appearing later on anthropology. This kind of people is nomadic people getting used to climate and other changes first. It is relatively apt to make the equilibrium in the blood human body of Model B, have stronger immune systems. So, may be said that is richly endowed by nature in what has been eaten, nearly unrestricted, all suit to meat and vegetables very much, the dairy products are very useful too.
Suitable for the food: The meat is good with red meat, cod, salmon,etc.. The oils are excellent with olive oil. This kind of human body is comparatively strong, have resistance to numerous modern diseases such as heart disease and cancer.
Resent the food: Shrimp, crab and chicken,etc. contain other source agglutinin harmful to blood people of the Model B, so try hard to avoid it for being wonderful. Chicken, corn, tomato and most nuts and seeds are not fit for Model B people to eat either.
Weight-reducing food: Green leaves vegetables, meat, egg, cheese, yoghurt.
Put on weight food: Potato, buckwheat, peanut, flax and wheat,etc., can make the supersession rate of the blood people of the Model B reduce, will make the food eaten store in the form of fat; In addition, and corn, corn pie, French beans, peanut, sesame, wheat, bread, biscuit,etc. have efficiency of putting on weight.
Fourth, recipe of the Model AB blood are proposed
AB type is for blood group that appears, rarest at the latest, it is less than 5% to account for total population. Can adjust to changed conditions as to the changes of diet and environment. This kind of people has some Model A blood and characteristic of some Model B blood. They adapt to animal's albumen, adapt to the plant albumen too.
Suitable for the food: It most should be mutton, eggs and fish's shellfish in AB blood group people's meat protein, especially snail's meat, there is function of preventing breast cancer. In addition, the bean curd is the good food too, but the food is harmless. Fish, bean curd, green leaves vegetables and milk product are their healthy food. In that should pay attention to too,Model A blood and Model B blood people should not food,AB people are getting getting more difficult to be more more eat mostly blood group.
Resent the food: Because digestive organs are weaker, its digestive system is comparatively sensitive, should eat few each time, but very much meal.
The loss of weight of the blood of Model AB can consult A type and B type at the same time.
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