See woman stars' heavy features _ pencils one's eyebrows
Someone says eyes are the window of the soul, and the eyebrow can be compared to the window frame of the window.
The eyebrow has its independence, the relation between it and eyes should be equal and complementing each other. The expressions of some expression information eyes on our face do not come clearly and exactly as the eyebrow instead.
Uniqueness that the woman who has the distinction from ancient times to the present will express her with eyebrow and unruly.
Traditional views of revolting of women again of today, create the new aesthetic temperament and interest. The heavy eyebrows became the fashion last the eighties in century, the women drew one's own eyebrow one after another densely. Now, this whiff of trends begin to come back after going to an extreme, the heavy eyebrows begin to show up prominently on the top of the waves of the fashion again. But this " The heavy eyebrows " It is not those " heavy eyebrows " Also. The present heavy eyebrows are not that all right if the simple drawing the eyebrow is dense, but draw one's own eyebrow according to characteristics such as one's own eyes, dress,etc. on the basis of decorating meticulously, let it can express one's own personality and opinion even more.
Maggie Cheung
Winding eyebrow, at will seemingly, exquisite actually. As if the calligraphist waves a comma under at will, does not neglect the gracefulness of any detail but not have full stop.
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