Black food therapy of circle of eye
Black food therapy of circle of eye
If you often work until two three late into the night, will go to work at once again at 8 o'clock in the morning, then, black orbit will come out. What convenient plaster removes black orbit? There is no harm in using local materials, try with food.
Clean horse's hoof and lotus root, mince, put the juice extractor, add two glasses of water to stir. Water through dreg, then apply, follow 10 minutes. Lotus root and horse's hoof are rich in powder quality, iron and protein, the silt function of having scattered blood to go. Apply the result best just before going to bed, can reduce black with the chance to enclose. Or it use bee pollen - teaspoon + teaspoon thick liquid, emperor of bee, it mix with after apply to last every one at orbit position unfertile lands thins black. Go by clear water washing an hour later. The bee emperor thick liquid includes amino acids, bleaches function, and there is efficiency of promoting metabolism.
It is a woman's sex character that the milk faints, this is the part that others can not see, have a unique meaning even more in the intimate lover, a lot of women are afraid it is too wicked that one's own milk faints, it is the shade on the happy cage in the future. Ripe with women's growth, because the influence that female hormone secretes, excessively stimulates relations such as the papilla,etc., will all have become dark brown gradually. Milk portion faint wicked food therapy the last week such as onset of ovulation in best period.
But the best period on the 11th, 12th, 13th day from the moment that when period comes, because this is peak period when female hormone is secreted: It reaches to be times of good period before the period in next time after the period, this stimulate milk, let off-colored best opportunity faint too.
Women in adolescence can eat more palaces and include Vitamin E, thiamine, protein and food that can promote sex hormone to secrete, thus achieve the with vigorous and graceful breast goal. Available Herba Cistanches, Hang Ju, pine nut benevolence every 10 g, 2 duck's eggs, boil together: Wait for egg to be familiar to knock open, boil again by one, abandon dreg eat the egg. Take once every day. Adult women should use ginseng 5 g, lotus seeds 20 g, crystal sugar 10 g, stew for 1-2 hours, once of the next day. Can also use moustache peach kernel 120 g, smashes the lotion, enrich lipoprotein of bone, Cortex Eucommiae every 120 g, the lotion before the poke is getting even, if the Chinese parasol tree son is big. The instructions about how to take medicine: The warm wine salt soup of empty stomach swallows 50 pills. Can the intersection of benefit and blood enrich marrow, make eyes bright the happy heart, the blush of skin caring.
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