's eye of 6 big reasons that eye wrinkles produce
Everybody knows, people getting on in years are president's wrinkles. But everybody finds the eye is the place of the aptest long wrinkle, what reason cause that like this? Now we come to make further enquiries.
1.Dry, lack water
The skin around eyes is the weakest, because of the skin of this part, do not have sebaceous gland, sweat gland, and very thin, invite l/3mdash of other position skins on the face; L/5 thickness. So, the skin all around of eye, it is weak to protect the function, in addition, skin moisture content all around of the eye is easy to evaporate, under protecting water the situation not good of ability, are prone to wrinkles.
2.The blood circulation is not good
Because the skin of the eye is relatively weak, the blood vessels in the relative skin are relatively thin and few, so it is more difficult to transport the nutrition and oxygen to get in skin cells, and the capillary circulation making the eye around is apt to stagnate, the nutrients of the skin supplement the difficulty, the blood circulation is not good, metabolism is difficult, therefore the skin around eyes is apt to wear out to corrugate.
3.Use the eyes to be excessive
Type in front of computer for a long time, too apt to enable skin aging of eye and produce fine lineses! Because of our eyes, should blink to move 10,000 or more times every day, under blinking and moving the frequent state like this, will affect to eye skin and muscle all around naturally, so is apt to cause slack and fragility of the eyelid too, this is a apt reason for forming fine lineses around eyes too.
4.Bad to get used to with the eyes
Narrow, get up eyes watch things, for a long time with narrow, get up way of eyes think things incorrect, it is apt to make the skin of eyelid in tense state continuously, cause the production of fine lineses.
5.Use the cream to use in place of the eye cream at will
You had better not daub the cream of the face near the eyes, the overly moist cream will let the skin growing out the fat one near the eyes.
6.The ultraviolet ray shines
Ultraviolet mdash; UVA and UVB are arch-criminals who causes the skin aging, especially the skin is the tender and most lovely near the eyes, so is the position aptest to grow fine lineses.
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