Sunday, January 20, 2013

The treatment of the plump type myocardium disease of knowledge prevents _'s treatment

The treatment of the plump type myocardium disease of knowledge prevents _'s treatment
Because the cause of disease is not clear, it is relatively difficult to prevent. The supersound aroused in interest can be studied the hereditary materials after pursuing the recessive case of detection. Should prevent from in order to prevent from having illness coming on being tired, excited and suddenly exerting oneself. Medicine strengthening myocardium contractile force such as foreign digitalis, receptor excitement medicine such as different third Epinephrine,etc., and lighten medicine such as Nitroglycerin of heart load, makes the left ventricle flow out one and obstruct and aggravate, try hard not to use. If there are bicuspid valves that can not be closed completely, should prevent from membrane inflammation in the infective heart to happen.
The goal of the treatment is in order to dissect symptom and control the arrhythmia. The off-the-shelf treatment includes:
receptor block pharmaceutical, make cardiac muscle shrink, subside, lighten, flow out line, obstruct, reduce myocardium oxygen dawdle, increase a ventricle of relaxation to expand, and can slow down the heart rate and increase the appearing amount of the heartbeat. General the intersection of naphthalene and Lip river employ initially, begin 10mg each time, 3- 4 d, increase dosage progressively, but heart rate but low in blood pressure in order to improve symptom, can reach about 200mg/d at most. But found recently receptor blocks the pharmaceutical treatment and can not reduce the arrhythmia and die suddenly, do not change the prognosis either.
Calcium resist pharmaceutical have the intersection of muscular strength and function of shouldering etc. cardiac muscle shrink, improve cardiac muscle, comply with and favorable to the intersection of relaxation and function also in order to subside while being short of money. The rice 120- 480mg/d of Vera's handkerchief, divides into for 3- 4 times and takes orally, can make symptom relieve for a long time, it is low to pass blood pressure, it is used that the function of sinus room or person who conducts obstacle of room room is careful. It is also effective that sulphur of place treats tall and erectly, consumption is 30- 60mg, 3 times d. receptor can reduce the side effect and improve curative effect to share to resist pharmaceuticals to block pharmaceutical and calcium short of moneyly.
Resist arrhythmia medicine and is used for controlling fast room arrhythmia and atrium to tremble, it is frequently used with amine iodine ketone. Consider shocking by electricity when the medicine fails to respond to any medical treatment.
Have ventricle shrink function, damage and appear to later period congestive and getting in heart failure already, its treatment is the same as heart failure due to other reasons. To diagnosing certainly, the obstructing myocardium disease patient of the good one of therapeutic effect of medicine considers the surgery treatment, make the skin depth of interventricular septum and cut skill and plump myocardium part and excise the skill in order to relieve symptom. Try out one pair of permanent pace makers and make the order of room of right ventricle room and get up to fight in order to relieve the obstructing patient's symptom in recent years, but remain to accumulate the experience.
Drug therapy:
Plump type myocardium disease is developed slowly, the prognosis is better, but not normal because of rhythm of the heart, can cause and die suddenly, should pay attention to avoiding overworking in life, it is excessively nervous to prevent, receptor blocks pharmaceuticals, propranolol can reduce myocardium contractile force, lighten the left ventricle flows out one and obstructs and improves the left ventricular wall and the left ventricle is plentiful, also resist the function of arrhythmia. Dosage: 10mg takes orally, 3 times a day. Can increase gradually, can reach 480mg day to the greatest extent. Can also block with the intersection of calcium and passway pharmaceutical is different to fight 40mg take orally 3 times a day definitely, nitre benzene pyridine 10mg, take orally, 3 times a day. Can improve the ventricle relaxation function, should pay attention to observing blood pressure, in case the blood is lowered too low.
Surgical treatment:Steps bad gt of the pressure; 60mmHg, the intersection of medicine and person who fail to respond to any medical treatment, can perform the operation treatment. Feasible plump muscles excise the skill. Amalgamate the persons who can not be closed completely of serious bicuspid valve, can make bicuspid valves and replace the skill.


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