Saturday, February 16, 2013

Discover the muskmelon can reduce pressure

Discover the muskmelon can reduce pressure
Summary: It is reported, scientists may announce a natural method to oppose the pressure - -Eat muskmelons. Compared with person who takes placebo, after taking capsule containing this kind of enzyme, the volunteer's pressure and tired symptom have been lightened.
It is reported, scientists may announce a natural method to oppose the pressure - -Eat muskmelons. The muskmelon contains a kind of important composition: Ultra oxide fork enzyme, this is a kind of beneficial antioxidant, can prevent the body from being organized damaging.
Compared with person who takes placebo, after taking capsule containing this kind of enzyme, the volunteer's pressure and tired symptom have been lightened. This research is published on " nutrition magazine ". Researchers find, placebo (suck capsule of the starch inside) There is very strong psychology that comforts function. But this effect is only maintained for 7 days. By contrast, 35 volunteers who take ultra oxide fork enzyme capsule feel the pressure it is lightened more and tired, the result maintains time longer. It seems to promote attention-focusing, reduce tired sense and agitated sense to take ultra oxide fork enzyme, improve the sleep question.
Researchers claim, the comfort effect may be relatively high, because it is general to participate in the volunteer's pressure and tired intensity of this research. They say, if it is tired and the person that the pressure is with higher intensity participates in, that conclusion will be more convincing. This is because ultra oxide fork enzyme may contribute to minimizing and should surge the damage caused to oxidize, oxidize, should defy course can release enter health, organize harmful atom to name free radical.
This research first researcher, Mary and Ana and Millers of the health goods company Seppic say: "Several research reveal psychological tense situation and oxidize should defy, storing connectioning in in the cell. We want to measure the ability to increase the body and deal with oxide and help people to reduce pressure. Verify these results and understand the function on the pressure of antioxidant will be very interesting through further studying. "
Foundation's reputable nutrition scientist Laura and Venus expresses Britain's nutrition, this research emphasizes fruit and vegetables are rich in various compounds, the combination of these compounds is useful to health. However, she claims, before advantage of mending pharmaceutical that the company popularizes such special enzyme, need more test.
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