Saturday, February 16, 2013

Discover that deeplying breathe can lower _ general knowledge of blood pressure

Discover that deeplying breathe can lower _ general knowledge of blood pressure
Studies have suggested, it is less than 10 times to deeply breathe (every minute slowly) Can get up to lowering hypertension to very good curative effect.
Why does deep breath have such efficiency? U.S.A. national the intersection of health and the intersection of David and Andersen of research institute think how breathe, can influence the intersection of health and regulation to blood pressure people, this mainly can reduce the intersection of salt and content in the blood, have something to do, relaxed result of state not produced. Now, Andersen wants to utilize and trains the hypertension volunteer to carry on the special utensil breathed at slow speed to prove this kind of supposition.
Content of salt when can reduce the blood to deeply breathe
If his idea is correct, this research can expound the relation between hypertension, pressure and diet. Andersen says: "If you sit, deeply breathe a whole day than activity of going, intaking amount of salt will very high, compared with going to the woods to take a walk, your efficiency of dealing with salt of kidney is comparatively low. " About 65 million Americans suffer from hypertension, hypertension has increased them and suffered from heart disease, apoplexy, kidney damaging, lose one's sight and dull-witted danger. A lot of people do not know this. Hypertension is usually known as the reticent killer, because you will notice its symptom until it causes to body and damages seriously. Anyone may suffer from hypertension. There are too much few and edible salt for the body is overweight, tempering amount - --Salt Americans eat quantity twice that put a limit on quantity keep fit, require, - --will all increase the danger of suffering from hypertension. Reduce weight, physical training and reduce intaking amount of salt, may lower blood pressure effectively. However, most patients also need to rely on the medicine.
Though the scientist knows the dangerous factor which cause hypertension, that they are insufficient understands its basic reason. What has upset and regulated the biochemical mechanism with harmonious blood pressure, and make the artery blood vessel can't bear the heavy load? If can know the reason for producing this kind of change, can find better prevention and method to treat hypertension.
The scientist does not have still clear mechanism stepping down to deeplying breathe
Though still lack enough evidence, medicine, yoga and similar relaxing the skill and cooperating have been deeplying breathe slowly and has been thought to get up to the good depressurization result all the time. In 2003, U.S.A. Food and Drug Administration approved a kind of sale of using to slow down the non-prescription medical apparatus breathed for to permit, this kind of utensil sold on Internet calculates the number of times of breath through perceiving the movement of the chest or belly, will give out the music when exhaling and inhaling. The user's respiratory rate will be dropped from 16 to 19 times of common every minute to with the music for 10 times or under 10 times.
The intersection of apparatus and manufacturer this carry on clinical trial to it, use, insist on, use two can make blood pressure reduce 10 to 15 o'clock month 15 minute every day. It can not replace the diet, movement or medicinal treatment, but can be regarded as a therapeutic new means of standard. Chicago Lip river let, say by the intersection of university and the intersection of William and the intersection of Elly and special Dr. of medical center: "To why deeply breathe slowly, will get up, get mechanism to lower blood pressure still fuzzy we. "
Andersen says, deeplies breathe and can really relax and expand the blood vessel temporarily slowly, but this is not enough to explain why it can lower blood pressure for a long time. So, he verifies one's own theory in the test located in Baltimore and Hubble hospital with this kind of apparatus. When at the pressure all the time for a long time, people have begun to incline to breathe simply, and will be holding the breath unintentionally, Andersen calls that inhibiting breath. Can transport more blood pressure to the brain to hold the breath, play and wake up the god's function, this is a good thing when the boss roar, but upset the chemical equilibrium in the blood. More acid blood make efficiency while dealing with the salt of the kidney low.
Each person should take some simple measures to lower blood pressure
Andersen's test to carrying on on animal shows, inhibiting from breath will delay the salt to excrete, this intensity can make blood pressure rise absolutely. Whether he can help people to lower blood pressure and carry on the test in deeplying breathe slowly now. He says: "Breathe and perhaps can change the gas composition in the blood slowly, so will play and improve the function that the kidney regulates the salt. "
If conjecture of Andersen correct, this for why hypertension the intersection of he and refered " the civilization and hold first disease that the life style has lead to the fact long " Have offered another explanation. In addition, Ministry of Public Health proposes, everybody should take some simple measures to lower blood pressure: Reduce weight, take a walk or carry on some sport activities, eat little salt - --Don't eat more fruit and vegetables over 2300 milligrams every day.


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