Friday, March 1, 2013

Research reveals the blue berry can prevent atherosclerosis

Research reveals the blue berry can prevent atherosclerosis
Preliminary result of a research of United States Department of Agriculture's subsidy reveals, it contributes to preventing atherosclerosis to eat the blue berry.
The researchers of organizations such as Arkansas medical university,etc. are in new U.S.A.>On say,choose they by mice young 30 pieces as experimental subjects,lack these experiments of mouse by lipoprotein E of year in the body, very apt to take place a kind of sclerosis and pathological change of porridge blood vessel its. Researchers divide mouse of these experiments into two groups, add freezing the blue berry powder done of right amount of in one groups of food, another group does not add the powder of blue berry as the control group. 20 weeks later, researchers find, the experiment mouse's aorta which is eaten the powder of blue berry appears in the areas of a kind of sclerosis and pathological change of porridge and is obviously smaller than the control group.
Researchers say, this proves directly that it contributes to inhibiting atherosclerosis to eat the blue berry through studying for the first time. The next step, they hope to further understand blue berry inhibit the mechanisms of a kind of sclerosis and pathological change of porridge, study the connection that people begin to eat blue berry in the early childhood and take place between the atherosclerosis risk in the future.
Atherosclerosis occurs frequently to the middle-aged and elderly people, a layer of oil likes milled congee of accumulation in the patient's large and medium artery blood vessels, make the internal diameter of blood vessel attenuate, the elasticity is lowered, blood pressure rises, very apt emergence which cause cardiovascular vessel disease.


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