Studies have suggested: It is short-lived not to have enough sleep
Come with the night, will you sleep and lie on the bed earlier? If you do it in this way, not only perhaps what you got is more energetic at the time of the work, you may have saved one's own health. A research in Britain reveals, the bad sleep habit may cause cold, depression, diabetes, fat, apoplexy, heart disease and cancer. In addition, often lacking the sleep will also be brought out psychotomimetically. Sleep expert think " the daytime society very much " unanimously Night shift, TV, travel when the network, make people sleep on fewer and fewer. A lot of adult due to healthy reasons, breathe, delay, lead to the fact sleep to be of low quality if sleeping still, and then result in not having enough sleep. No matter what the reason not having enough sleep is, but the result is the same: Daytime is drowsy, the thinking is not clear, can't express one's own meaning clearly, spirit is unable to be centralized, movements are unable to coordinate Children become irascible, provoke a dispute in the school. People think the influence only temporary, sleep, will return to normal feel, carefully in the past. One research reveal sleep breathe people to suspend phenomenon, it suffers from possibility of apoplexy to be normal 3 times of people occasionally, suffer from the danger of heart disease and increase greatly too. If does not sleep for two nights, blood pressure will rise. If only sleep for 4 hours every night, the secretion amount of insulin will be reduced. Can only make healthy young people present symptom of forerunner's diabetes absolutely within one week. Another research shows, it makes people difficult and resists infectious disease to lack the sleep. The weakening of immune system function will also make the ability to resist early cancer reduce. (Qu China)
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