Study : The weight lifting can relieve postoperative lymphocytic hydropic symptom
A latest research of American medical college of University of Pennsylvania of special despatch reveals on August 13 in Xinhua News Agency Beijing, carrying on the weightlifting can relieve the postoperative lymphocytic hydropic symptom that appears of a patient of cancer effectively.
According to the 13th of United Press International (UPI), researchers have chosen 141 women accepting breast cancer operation and presenting the lymphocytic hydropic symptom to be research objects, divide them into two, 71 one of people demand, go on every week twice, amount to weightlifting for 90 minutes among them, it lasted 13 weeks, insisted on doing exercises for 39 weeks consciously hereafter. Another quiet to raise according to traditional method, increase movement quantity.
Discover, the person studied who carries on the weightlifting compares with another group of one that does not move s, postoperative hydropic symptom is relieved. Lead Catherine and Schmitz of this research to say, for accepting the patient that the lymphocytic hydropic symptom appears after the breast cancer operation, the doctor will generally advise them to reduce the movement, but this research challenges this, also another illustration that the well-meaning doctor's order misleads the patient instead.
It is here that this research is issued >Have.
The lymphocytic system is the important circulatory system of the human body, keep the internal environment of organism steady by transporting moisture, macromolecule, cell activity factor, immune cell and supersession product in organizing. Once lymphocytic reflux is obstructed, moisture and macromolecule,etc. will form edema in organizing when silting up. Lymphocytic edema sees more four limbs, the breast cancer patient often presents hydropic symptom of the upper limbs after operation.
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