Magical food let the intersection of woman and white touched with red the intersection of _ and cosmetic recipe 7 day
First day: Soup of pig's trotter
Focal point: Increase the elasticity of the skin
The pig's trotter contains the abundant colloid, absorb the elasticity that collagenic protein of 5000mg can increase the skin continuously every day, reduce fine lineses, let the skin look younger.
The next day: Fill salad of monkey's peach
Focal point: Help the skin to arrange maliciously
The fruit contains abundant vitamin, eating more fruits can help the skin to arrange maliciously, and fill monkey's peach and have very high-load vitamin C, can interfere with the melanin to turn into, the ones that contribute to dispelling on the skin are obscure, let the skin be more bright.
Third day: Soya-bean milk
Focal point: It increases skins to be detailed to slip degree
Soya-bean milk rich in vitamin C and E, drink soya-bean milk, can it increases skins to be detailed to slip degree every day, and improve the scar.
Fourth day: Soup of ormosia
Focal point: It is swollen to drain off water
Ormosia to keep in good health masterpiece from ancient times, can drain off water swollen, can also enrich the blood, do angry, let you even blush can also have ruddy apple face!
The fifth day: Brown sugar cake
Focal point: Accelerate the supersession speed and whiten
The brown sugar is considered as and cared skin masterpieces Japan, amino acid and microelement that it contains can help the skin to arrange maliciously, accelerate the supersession speeds of small pox and acne, whiten the skin.
The sixth day: Red date and tea of honey
Focal point: Make the skin delicate and glossy
Honey contains a large amount of amino acid, vitamin and carbohydrate apt to be absorbed by the human body, can make the skin delicate and glossy, red date has function that blood circulation promoting maintains the skin, can improve the state with ice-cold trick in winter.
The seventh day: Milk porridge of Yi's benevolence
Whiten the moist skin especially
Yi's benevolence adds the milk, it is more outstanding that can let the skin whiten the result. The moist skin of milk, help of Yi's benevolence drains off water swollenly.
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