It see but doctor on cold it want it if you can't have an electro-cardiogram, feel patients much " L Kill " R
The intersection of Xinhua and the intersection of Journalism Website and the intersection of news and the intersection of instep and getting swollen one light piece, doctor give write a prescription back, having only taken two slices of medicines finally, the disease will be better Yesterday, Mr., witch of citizen, complained: The doctor is too smart now, the patient " L Killed " ,Also let you unable to take words out of the mouth. Reporter's investigation finds, instantly, hold expensive medicine, check more phenomena in information asymmetry of medical knowledge as to the doctor, many patients are all killed but helpless feeling.
[Lens one ]
One of instep swelling: Let, pat slice again, prescribe 4 box medicine, come back home, it wipes out two to be better
As to the thing that experience of seeing the doctor of last week such as oneself, Mr., witch of citizen, return one stomach fire so far. Yesterday, he made a telephone call to the morning paper, it is too ruthless to check, write a prescription and start the ones that complained the doctor while seeing the doctor by oneself, oneself has been killed. Gentleman's introduction according to the witch, three last week, appeared red and swollen outside his left foot, the area was a bit larger than the broad bean, it is a little painful too to press with hands . Because wearing the shoes will be pushed, the phenomenon of walking even limping. Under the accompanying of the wife, the witch Mr. goes to dept. of orthopedics of hospital of a the first, second and third to examine.
Having arranged it for half a day after the team, the witch gentleman took a fancy to the doctor. He takes off the shoes, pointing to the red and swollen foot talks about several sentences of conditions briefly. The doctor has struck in the red and swollen place with the small hammer, " L Is it this that ache? " L The witch gentleman is hurry answering: " R , the place, I to find the night before last " L Has not waited for witches yet the gentleman has finished talking about, the doctor interrupts: " R Been spraining? "
" L Do not have " ,While the witch gentleman answered, doctors have opened two laboratory test reports, tear and pass him: " L Shoot a film, test a piece of blood " . " He has not fallen, has not sprained to either, has not fractured, what film do you want him to shoot? " Hear, take, make film, lady send hurricane on one side: This is a matter of common sense, why do you let husbands shoot the film?
See relatives protest, the doctor lifts to watch, say neither fast nor slowly, " L Then go to test a piece of blood " . Husband and wife this does not pick up, test single, go, draw blood, test. Half an hour later, the result will come out, all indexes are normal. Pick up and test singly, after sweeping, the red and swollen reason as to foot, the doctor provides analyzing: Probably exposed to chemical medicines, allergic, or infected, " L Let's prescribe some medicines and come back home to take and take " . Later, picking up the prescription form begins to prescribe medicines.
At it go it row cashier on price,know witch Mr. doctor be turned on by 3 kinds of medicines to be given to in clothes, from diminishing inflammation to the one that stop the pain, all available. Among them, 12 put reach strength to be hard, in charge of, diminish inflammation, turn on two boxes for a while, amounts to 24 slices, 74.8 yuan; Traumatology efficacious spray pharmaceutical, gush out outside, 31.7 yuan, and support 27.4 yuan for a box of his forest, stop the pain. 4 boxes of medicines add up prices 133.9 Yuan.
Red and swollen reason check, come out, doctor turn on more thanth medicine unexpectedly, this make witch startled already Mr. have. As to the thing that the doctor " L The intelligence of seeing the doctor " ,He deeplies feel " L Admire " R But have no way out: " Look, diminish inflammation, stop the pain, gush out outside, all-round, so long as your red swelling, can manage equally. One little trouble, want, manage in this way, at the the whole 18 kinds of weapons, return if go on like this? "
The witch gentleman tells reporters, after going home, he has only taken two slices of antiinfectious medicines, after gushing out spray pharmaceutical two or three times, in the afternoon of the next day, red swelling disappeared. 4 big boxes of medicines which the doctor prescribed, among them antiinflammatory agent has a box that only takes two slices, another box has not been unsealed, analgesic is too untouched to move either, only spray pharmaceutical has been used for several times, these medicines have been forced to become families now " L Daily medicine " ,Put in the drawer.
As to this experience of seeing the doctor, the witch gentleman sighs for oneself " L Have been killed " : Go to the hospital to see the doctor now, it is too ruthless that some doctors start, not as before again " L The doctor writes a prescription, enough on walking "
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