Friday, October 19, 2012

See how high your nutrition IQ is

See how high your nutrition IQ is
If the intersection of you and concept in food stay in have things right away put in mouth also, it is malnutritive all over that that should be careful of the empty meat! Try to answer the following problem out, how high to look at your nutrition IQ?
1.Because should reduce weight, it is all right to only eat fruits
Please, do you know how fructose inside fruits is apt to turn into the fat? Though we should absorb right amount of fruits, this does not represent you must regard fruit as the weight-reducing staple food. Because the nutrient of most fruits is not enough to supply all nutrients that normal people need.
2.Permanent" mend " Do not change
Some people like eating some food specially or taking a certain tonic specially according to one's own taste, then develop from changing for many years into " Partial to a limited variety of food " , " addicted to the food " . Because medicine and food have health care that treats function, there are certain side effects, it will influence internal nutritive equilibrium to obey much clothes for a long time. And different seasons, have different demands to health care medicine and food. So it changes to be very essential according to different situation, can't mend, change while being permanent, finally a benefit.
3.The dish cooked will not be eaten at once
Someone, for save time, like, cook dish ahead of time, then getting warm to wait for someone, come neat to wipe out or down a of heat, wipe out in pan. Vitamin B1 in fact in the vegetables, in the after being burnt warm course, can lose 25%. Burning the good Chinese cabbage can lose vitamin C20% in 15 minutes like warm-heat evil; Will lose 10% more to keep warm for 30 minutes; Reach 1 hour while being long, will lose for 20%. If vitamin C in the green vegetables loses 20% in cooking; Dissolve and lose 25% in the jardiniere soup; If warm-heat evil will be lost 20% more in 15 minutes on the fire again, it is 65% altogether. Then our vitamin C from getting in the green vegetables, on there is not much left.
4.The food which contains many kinds of amino acids is the advanced nutriment
Amino acid does not have mysterious, it is only a composition unit of protein. Contain protein in the food, contain amino acids naturally too. Low priced corn and potato contain many kinds of amino acids all the same. Since healthy people have ability to digest protein, can well get amino acids from the ordinary food, just it is unnecessary to drink some expensive amino acid nutrient liquid.
5.So long as eat the same heat any more, it is the same to eat the snacks or main meal
If you still think so, must think of stomach trouble! You observe, pass law to take breakfast,lunch and dinner every day carefully, with a meal does not have a meal, light take people of snacks in there, appearance have what be different? Right! Like beauty to take snacks, face will sleep feeling that does not wake up a little, swollen a swollen one, because the snacks has far too many garniture. If you go to see the composition of the snacks on the market conscientiously, guarantee you will be frightened and not dare to eat any more, what salt, candy, oil, all excessive, but nutrition does not have a lot of. You have eaten up the snacks, but the stomach does not have substantial feeling, only think that rises, if things go on like this is that the stomach that the iron hits won't do!


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