Thursday, November 15, 2012

Edema of eyelid is a disease sign

Edema of eyelid is a disease sign
The reason why the eyelid is swollen is numerous, the single side is swollen to relate to some factor mostly. For example conjunctivitis, hordeolum, part of eyes person who keep in touch irritated, etc, will with pain, itch ruddy behaving by the intersection of secretion and the intersection of person who increase and inflammation while being much, generally all small problems.
If is the dualth side eyelid edema happening suddenly, the elderly will think of at first not sleeping. Certainly, drink water before sleeping it can be caused that the salt of too much or diet is too high, but usually crossing one, it will be good every other day. If edema of the continuation should cause the attention, need to get rid of some important whole body disease factors.
It is a swollen important reason of eyelids of the elderly that nephritis, renal function are bad. The old friend may think by mistake nephritis sees more young people, in fact the morbidity of the elderly's nephritis is not at all lower than young people. It is natural it will often have abnormal state that renal function or urine will be checked.
Secondly, hypothyroidism is another common reason. It one the intersection of endocrine and disease, often with afraid cold and hypohidrosis, weak speaking lazy to work up little, appetite fail, the skin is coarse to increase thick, such diseases as the hair is rare.
Moreover, when old friend's common cardiovascular vessel has serious disease, the sign not complete of the heart function.
Remind old friend finally, happen suddenly acute dualth side eyelid edema, itch with coughing, swallowing, itching, uncomfortable in chest, watch out for the possibility of drug allergy, will need to be dealt with by the emergency call.


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