Friday, November 16, 2012

Eyes and hair should prevent suntan

Eyes and hair should prevent suntan
Skin expert point out ultraviolet ray beautiful No.1 formidable enemy that take place, fragile hair it injures to be 3 of skin nearly by the sunshine. The sunshine is a kind of natural fading pharmaceutical, will make the hair fade even change color after shining suddenly and violently for a long time. You had better give hair add antiabrasion layer to before not going out, spread, exempt wash protect wet to take place revealing, moisture to lock hair, gush out, moisten skin water at hair, let beautiful to take place, keep moist, prevent the sunshine from evaporating off too much moisture, the conditional sprays the hair tonic with antiultraviolet function again. Don't think that protect eyes once preventing from wrinkles, the orbit against hacker, it is likewise important to prevent suntan. Had better use the high eye cream of moist degree before setting out, the sunglasses must be worn. But must not wear the inferior sunglasses, otherwise not only play a protecting role, make the pupil expand instead, the injury that eyes receive is strengthened. In addition, might as well take dripping the eyes to reveal of a bottle of moist eyes while going on a tour, if you wear the contact lenses, should remember dripping some holes of liquid at any time even more, by guaranteeing the comfort and moist of eyes.
Eyes Hair Prevent suntan


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