Eyes bes and drinks more chrysanthemum scented tea
The chrysanthemum is often made tea by people to drink. According to nature theory of Chinese medicine, chrysanthemum make tea suitable for working clan, drink more especially, because the chrysanthemum is right to defend dry eyes and very effective. Modern pharmacology analyze, indicate contain abundant vitamin A on the chrysanthemum, to maintain the intersection of eyes and healthy important material. Chrysanthemum scented tea can make the intersection of people and clearheaded, pairs of bright eye, to hot-tempered doing with eyes that eyes cause excessively astringent to have better curative effect especially, think eyes do astringent person, especially use people of computer often, drink some more chrysanthemum scented tea to be very much beneficial often. Eyes near-sighted person to feel it is astringent for eyes to do, drink chrysanthemum scented tea, can it improves eyes to be uncomfortable often often even more.
Chrysanthemum scented tea can dispel the intersection of eyes and edema and fatigue, drink too many water sleep, can get up eyes edema like goldfish the next morning, a method can be removed effectively among the people, stained with the tea juice of chrysanthemum scented tea with the cotton, daub around eyes, can dispel this kind of edema phenomenon quickly. Steep a cup of chrysanthemum scented tea to drink at ordinary times, symptom that can make eyes tired is dispelled, if drink three to four cups of chrysanthemum scented tea every day, it is helpful to resuming eyesight.
Should choose the small chrysanthemum with yellowing color while drinking chrysanthemum scented tea, does not use with the tea either while drinking, chrysanthemum after being only dry steep water or boil, come, drink right away all right, winter hot drink, it is very good beverages that the ice is drunk in summer. Adding tea that the Matrimony vine steeps out in chrysanthemum scented tea is famous " The intersection of chrysanthemum and tea Qi " ,Because two their traditional Chinese medicine protect crude drugs of eyes, suitable student review homework, appear, drink after the tired eyes all night especially.
Need to pay attention to chrysanthemum cool, timid cold physique, afraid of cold at ordinary times, exchange trick take place cool people should not drink often.
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