Sunday, January 20, 2013

Plump type _'s general knowledge of myocardium disease of knowledge

Plump type _'s general knowledge of myocardium disease of knowledge
It is that the going on cardiac muscle of unsymmetry is plump that main pathology changes. Based on different cardiac muscle plump positions and intensity, are divided into two kinds of types: (1)Plump in order to mainly cause flowing out the calling the plump obstructing myocardium disease of a blockade with the interventricular septum; (2)The cardiac muscle is plump and not having plump not obstructing myocardium disease of title which flow out a blockade. Main clinical manifestation, in order to have difficulty in breathing, angina pectoris, faints, palpitation, weak, cardiac dilatation, apex of the heart department and brestbone left reason the third and coarse injection noise of systolic phase among the 4th rib. This disease presents global distribution, it can also be for the distributing that the onset can present the family, men exceed women in the clinical case, women patient's symptom appears early comparatively seriouser too. Most patients can survive in decades, so the prognosis is fair. In the death case, 50% belong to dying suddenly.
Clinical manifestation
1.Have difficulty in breathing, angina pectoris, fainting, palpitation, weak, dizzy, can die suddenly; 2.The apex of the heart beats strongly, apex of the heart department or trembling along the systolic phase among ribs the third, 4 of left reason of brestbone, the heart leaves and expands left, the second sound is split, hear third, four heart sounds, hearing among apex of the heart department and ribs the third, 4 of left reason of brestbone and systolic phase coarse injection noise.
Diagnose the basis
1.Only if there are less obstructing symptoms, rely mainly on having difficulty in breathing in early days, can have in later period atriums quiver and the heart declines. Palpitation, shortness of breath, weak after being can be tired of obstructing type person, dizzy, fainting, angina pectoris and dying suddenly,etc. at the time of the activity. 2.The heart circle leaves and expands left, the apex of the heart department beats. Not the obstructing type generally have no noise, but often there is a injection nature noise of systolic phase among ribs the third, 4 of left reason of brestbone in the obstructing type, systolic phase is thin to tremble that some patients have. In addition, there can often be fourth sound and second sound and go against and split. 3.Electrocardiogram: The common left ventricle is plump to strain, many patients lead and unite leading and uniting unusual Q wave with I, avL on the left chest. Some patients amalgamate block in the ventricle or surge syndrome in advance. 4.The interesting Fig. of the supersound: The wall thickness is greater than 1.3 behind thickness of interventricular septum of the heart left ventricle, the bicuspid valve frontal lobe is unusual to move forward systolic phase, the left room flows out one narrowly. 5.The left heart conduit is checked: The obstructing type person left ventricle has bad steps of the pressure of systolic phase to flow out each with the left room, the left ventricle radiography of the alternative shows and shrinks the anaphase left ventricle narrowly and smallly to take the form of shoes.
Treat the principle
1.Generally treat: Have a rest, use sedative if necessary, the diet of less salt when the heart declines; 2.Reduce the contractile force of ventricle, improve the ventricle; 3.Prevent and cure the arrhythmia; 4.The heart improves the heart function while declining; 5 . To the ill, support to treat; 7.Surgical treatment; 8.The heart transplant is suitable for the patient in latter stage of end.
Principle of using medicine
1. - receptor blocks pharmaceuticals or blocks pharmaceuticals with the calcium ionophore; While using heavy dose of receptor to block the pharmaceutical or calcium ionophore to block pharmaceuticals, it is not complete that should pay attention to the atrio-ventricular block or heart function to happen; 2.Foreign digitalis medicine and blood vessel expand the patient that pharmaceuticals are only used for declining intentionally, not be in the mood for the persons who decline and avoid using, the foreign digitalis dosage should be relatively small, and notice toxicity reacting. 3.The room happening recently is quiver, can choose the medicine or reply law by cable, should do the anticoagulation treatment of some time before replying law by cable; 4.Angina pectoris is unsuitable to use the inferior nitric acid ester or nitric acid ester medicine, employ receptor to block pharmaceuticals; 5.Can install the permanent artificial pacemaker in amalgamating chronic complete atrio-ventricular block, disease, sinus syndrome person.
Auxiliary examination
A pair of persons who has typical medical history, in order to check the limit " A " of the frame It is a main fact; 2, to diagnosing can make frame limits and check " B " according to the insufficient one .


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