Friday, March 1, 2013

Research reveals that it is difficult to suffer from apoplexy to interact with neighbour frequently

Research reveals that it is difficult to suffer from apoplexy to interact with neighbour frequently
According to U.S.A. " L The network of doctor of medicine of network " R The latest report, U.S.A.>Magazine publish, discover neighbourhood relation kind, the elderly that interact with neighbour often newly by one newly, more social than not to good at neighbour's apoplexy death is dangerous smaller.
University and Rush University researcher of Minnesota were adjoint to the community to three of Chicago 5789 old men have carried on research. Researchers have investigated that join neighbourhood state which tries the old man and and the neighbour's interdynamic state. The question includes: Meet neighbour or exceed with talking once in a week? In the courtyard or in the street? Whether to look after each other among neighbourhood or not, help each other? Borrow the things each other? Know neighbour's name? While discovering the problems, does the neighbour call out the neighbour or call the police? Research is found, 11 years later, because people of the neighbourhood get about little, 701 old men suffer from apoplexy, 186 old men, because of the apoplexy death. Questionnaire investigation was involved " L The cohesiveness of neighbourhood " R Every increase is first class to score, patient's survival rate of apoplexy is raised by 53%.
Dr. Clark says particularly in new research person in charge Minnesota university's card, the neighbourhood relation is harmonious and harmonious, contribute to finding old man's apoplexy symptom in time, succoured in time, therefore apoplexy mortality will be reduced greatly. With the acceleration of the old age process of population, the neighbourhood environment is prominent day by day to the elderly's healthy importance.


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