Friday, March 1, 2013

Studying reveals that breathes and suspends impotence prevention and health care of _ with high risk of a patient of syndrome in sleep

Studying reveals that breathes and suspends impotence prevention and health care of _ with high risk of a patient of syndrome in sleep
An extensive investigation that German researchers carry on reveals, compared with normal crowd, suffer from sleep, breathe, suspend syndrome, especially suffer from man, hypoxemia of disease suffer from the obstacle of erecting night not correlated with breathing and suspending syndrome in sleeping ' Commonly called as impotence) Risk than high.
The hospital of university of fort of Sri Lankan of German thunder root publishes the communique and says on the 7th, the researchers of this hospital and Munich university breathe and suspend the diagnosis that a patient has carried on the system of syndrome to investigate to more than 400 trouble sleep, found finally 69% people among them suffered from the obstacle of erecting. In addition, researchers also find hypoxemia disease is one of the greatest relevant factors of the obstacle of erecting at night when is correlated with breathing and suspending syndrome in sleep for the first time.
The medical circle thinks, breathes and stops in duration for over 10 seconds and is considered to breathe and suspend at the time of the sleep. The oxygen in the blood reduces at this moment, the organism is in oxygen deficiency state. If this kind of breath is suspended and frequently happened, reach and add up to for over 30 times 5 or more times or in sleep of 7 hours per hour, can diagnose as that breathe and suspend syndrome in sleep. A main symptom that the enormous sound of snoring is this kind of disease that the countless and off and on, continuously chronic, sound appears at the time of the sleep. Breathe the oxygen deficiency delaying causing at nighting will damage the cardiovascular system, increase the danger of suffering from hypertension, apoplexy and heart disease. (Wei of class)


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