Community fine doctor attack by an assassin, think patients even twinkling of an eye
Continue wide army's only leaving a certificate to shine>
In the morning of November 19 of dragon's tiger's network news, in vain when the silver dragon's doctor of community health station of the garden in the lower district continues wide army's handling patient's disease, jabed from the back for two times by a mental patient. Dangerous while happening, he has called to the patient out " L You run quickly " ! Ten days later, he is too heavy to manage the body to die because of the condition of an injury. Sad news comes, the spontaneous condolence of more than 3000 masses in the lower district in vain. Have 17 days even if continue the wide army 29 -year-old birthday, but he can not see parents' kindly smiling face again The reporter continued learning from the lower district in vain at the wide military mark public lecture a few days ago, the department of public health of the province had already made the decision: The whole province the intersection of hygiene and system launch to continue the wide army's studying activit>
Attacked by an assassin in instant and still missed patie>
Will it be a.m. about over 8 o'clock November 19, continue wide army regard as the intersection of stone and the intersection of threshold and silver the intersection of dragon and east doctor, community health station of garden, while being 28 -year-old, an old lady seeing the doctor in the consulting room, a middle aged man jabed from back to he for two times suddenly, the severely injured one worries about the patient that this person's injury is going to a doctor continuously small, facing toward the old lady and shout: " You run quickly! " The old lady avoids at once, the murderer runs away subsequently. Continue wide army lift, go emergency tender, before getting on the bus, he say to the colleague, " L Don't tell my parents>
" Continue wide army's staying in the last time in this world, he holds patients in the heart, filled with ardour and sincerity to the work, look after meticulously to family. He is a good young man! " Lower chief of district health bureau the the Huaihe River say wiping the tears in va>
29 days of November, rescue and has no result by each side, continued wide army's end because the condition of an injury is overweight to pass away. The suspect explains some happening Arrested by police 15 hours later . It is reported, it has been at therapeutic spiritual disease of department's hospital of the brain of Nanjing in April of some this year that explained, diagnosed as the two-way emotion obstacle, it is a key visit target of continuing the wide army. >
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