Saturday, October 6, 2012

Can see 3D at home in the future why can the 3D film is dizzy to finish looking?

Can see 3D at home in the future why can the 3D film is dizzy to finish looking?

Finish seeing the 3D film, why are little couplital
Nanjing University Professor's new invention " L The multi-user reveals the appearance stereoscopically " R What prs it
May we see 3D at home ture
Since last year, there is more and more 3D technical application in the film, >>A series of 3D film has brought the brand-new, intrepid vision to audience to experience, the film screen strode into stereoscopic era from thvel.
However, watching 3D though has brought the new vision to us to stimulate, that pair of 3D glasses that must be worn lets people feel uncomfortable, and after removing the glasses, people will produce the transient dizzy sense. Just in the middle ten days of this month, the audience of Nanjing appears yet to finish seeing 3D edition>And then the report in hospital. Then, can we dispel such dizzy sense? Or with naked to watch 3D directly, needn't wear es?
Recently, Nanjing University electronic science and Wang YuanQing Professor, project of institute invent one the intersection of bore hole and technology to think 3D. What kind of technology is this on earth? >The weekly magazine is brought you and probed into une .
Finish seeing 3D>,Little couple " L The consciousness mistake " ital
In mid-January of this year, every large website, newspaper published such a piece of news: A pair of young couple in Nanjing finish seeing>And then appear giddy at the same time brain rise and eyes do astringent scorching hot symptom. Marriage anniversary in order to celebrate them of little couple in this a newly-married year, have arranged the team for more than two hours to buy two 3D editions>Film ticket. After the film finished looking at for 3 hours came back home, couple both felt it is astringent to did eyes, the head aches a bit, it will be good that actually thought to sleep. Have never expected in morning of the next day, the wife had a headache suddenly and aggravated, vomited without end, the husband presented similar symptom too. As a result, little couple go to the hospital to ask and manars.
Diagnose the oculist finally, finding them because wear 3D film glasses for a long time continuously, having seen the 3D film, causes convulsion of eye muscle, the modulability of eyes drops, the rate of regulation is slow, thus initiate " L Video terminal " .
The ophthalmology expert explains : " L Video terminal syndrome " Mean that watches video terminal stations such as the computer, TV, game machine,etc. attentively at short range for a long time, the ones that cause eyes to be tired and present excessively with the eyes are a series of uncomfortable, the serious one will present giddy, nausea, vomits, such symptoms as the limb blood circulation is not smooth. So the person with eye disease, the crowds, such as glaucoma,etc. are unsuitable to see the 3D film. In addition, the intersection of long sight and eyes, the intersection of presbyopia and patient, itself visual modulability bad, in addition, the external world brings out, especially easy to present, look at tired, so even unsuitabch.
Why does the 3D film result in feeling dizzy? Nanjing University electronic science and YuanQing Wang, project of institute Professor say, have one ask in people's inner ear " L The vestibule device " R Organ,it is with body without being responsible fored equilibrium, such as movement direction and acceleration of human body. 3D picture visual angle is switched over frequently, this makes human eye transmit to the brain " L Really moving by oneself " R This signal, but the brain has not received the signals of muscle sports. Then the head will happen " L The consciousness mistake " R Contradiction,people might present dizzy, sick,etc. uncomfortable. And want, dispel such and dizzy, Wang YuanQing Professor say key to solve stereoscopic the intersection of picture and problem of definition technlly.



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