Sunday, October 7, 2012

See baby's tongue Know _ general knowledge of health condition

See baby's tongue Know _ general knowledge of health condition
There are close relations in something shaped like a tongue and viscera, can appear from tongue quality, the shapes of tongue fur, something shaped like a tongue when the viscera present pathological change. Child's pulse is influenced by many kinds of factors, change greater, dependability is relatively bad, and a lot of diseases of child are often reflected by tongue, because there is no impact on tongue of tobacco and wine, so see the change of child's tongue being more reliably than to feel the pulse.
See the change of the tongue having three respects, namely tongue fur, tongue quality and tongue shape.
See the tongue fur
The normal child's tongue fur is presented thin and white and moist.
As stomach trouble that indigestion cause, accumulate food, cough large phlegm, the tongue fur will become thick and oily;
The child has caught a cold, on the initial stage of catching a cold, will present the white tongue one layer thicker the tongue. After cold is developed, the tongue fur will become yellow, it is relatively obvious to show the thermal image;
As the child dehydrates because of suffering from diarrhoea or high fever is not returned, will present the dry tongue fur;
Some anaphylactia will present a kind of tongue fur of map or shell the tongue;
If find that there is white point child's tongue, even have on the lip, perhaps the child has worms in the belly;
And getting black tongue do as splitting open in the river bed, appear in long-term serious illness child of hyperpyrexia often.
But there will be the tongue fur sometimes " The false appearance " ,If just ate the milk, the tongue fur was white, ate oranges, the color was yellow, ate olives, the black that the tongue fur will become terrible, and so on, parents needn't be alarmed.
See tongue quality
The normal child's tongue quality is moist and rubescent.
Child with anaemia and leukemia, because the hemochrome is obviously reduced, the tongue qualitative change is very light; Serious diarrhoea is with dehydrating serious illness hyperpyrexia, there are awn Las as red deep red in the tongue qualitative change;
After the serious disease, some wounded and overcast child, become, be red the tongue, feel like surface of pork kidney, Chinese medicine is called the surface of the mirror tongue;
The tongue is purple or has purple patch pieces, this is because the problem has taken place in the blood circulation, due to oxygen deficiency of organism, see more neonate's suffocating, inborn blue and green purple heart disease.
See the tongue shape
Body of normal child's tongue moves about flexibly.
Tough on the body of tongue, the activity is limited, indicate it is blocked that it is turbid that there is phlegm, see more encephalitis sequela;
The tongue shakes and stretches out and draws back, see more the brain hypoplasia;
The tongue oblique and evil for wind outside the body infringes the train of thought, see more brain blood vessel accidents;
The tongue is often overhanging, have not gone back to contract for a long time, has seen more the low cretinism that caused of thyroid gland function;
Tongue stretch out, lick lip repeatedly, retraction soon, call, get tongue is common on mongolism.
In disease, should observe the dynamic change of child's tongue
Tongue quality from rubescent to transfer to red and deep red, from the superficial to the deep heat symptom-complex;
The tongue fur is transferred to yellow from white and transferred to a heat symptom-complex by the cold card;
Tongue fur from yellow to transfer dust to, indicate it is in weight for condition to turn;
The tongue fur indicates from having to having digestive function resumes gradually;
Tongue fur from thin to turn thick, prove indigestion aggravate;
The tongue fur is from rotating thinly thick, prove digestive function recovery of intestines and stomach or expectoration reduces.


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