See how the rival in love becomes lover's _ psychology to explore the secret
She has left me, has gone straight to in another man's chest. I am very sad, very angry too, sadder, but to writer, so long as still can write on the paper with the pen, no matter what disaster it is, does not include the disaster,
I am a writer, I am very slovenly, I have a girlfriend, it was slovenly that the girlfriend disliked me, though I know how very much to be romantic, and show consideration for hellip gently; hellip;
She can't tolerate at last today, only because I did not brush teeth for three days!
She has left me, has gone straight to in another man's chest. I am very sad, very angry too, sadder, but is analyzed by reason, I should be very glad, it is experienced in a life that I have many, the works that I wrote out will also be put into deeper level. To writer, so long as still can write on the paper with the pen, no matter what disaster it is, does not include the disaster, because those disasters enrich the writer's experience, can let the writer write out better works.
So, I, in order to let one's own experience be more abundant, the sufficient one utilizes this chance that the girlfriend gives to me, can't act into one man without her pester her, experience the psychological characteristic of this role.
Following, that's it.
ldquo; Beautiful! Don't leave me! I really can't have no you! rdquo; Tearful, bitter in my eyes, the face is wan and sallow. Though the wan and sallow to stay up, catch up with reason of draft three day face, only I know alone.
Having really appeared on the beautiful face visibly movedly, her stoic surface has trace that a silk breaks.
ldquo; You! Not a mouth of yours talks to me! rdquo; Her unable to endure any longer covering the nose, flash on one side. I am extremely awkward, the psychology likes giving a great discount to her too - -Why did I like a superficial and merciless woman in this way originally?
However, I reach a decision, act this role well, it is more to draw from it.
ldquo; Beautiful, I do not have enough to you, OK? Why you should be to me in this way? rdquo; I am sad to want throwing oneself on one's knees is on the ground, seem to lose strength written alive, weariness has been fled into the body hellip; hellip; It is this kind of feeling!
ldquo; It is happy to write, it is not you to me - -! rdquo; The beautiful words are mute but stop, because she has seen I drew out the scene that the paper pen Shua Shua waved in one's arms arbitrarily suddenly.
I am recording the feeling just now!
And she, chest rise and fall from head to foot, it breathes Shen to be heavy, Zhong Shen win than one healthy breath of man Shen Zhong! I fast to write, put the intersection of paper and pen away, to the intersection of she and touching to say tearful eyes: ldquo; Since I am good to you, why do you leave me? Discard me? hellip; hellip; I can't have no you! I can't have no you! rdquo;
The beautiful bringing a blood-and-tear indictment without having a silk to move to me, the instead angry eyes are ruddy, she shouts to me fiercely: ldquo; You lunatic! Fall in love with you, it is always this each! Move me in a complete mess first, then take out the paper pen again and state you are just collecting the materials! I can not stand any longer! I want the normal love! rdquo;
ldquo; Beautiful, I really love you! I hope our love record stands up! My hellip; hellip; rdquo; She walks quickly to come up to me, play in my chest in a kick, I eat the sudden strain of a muscle aching on one side, just let her stalk off obeying the way where I get out of the way.
I can only place oneself in the ground in numb staying, see when she disappear, pitch-dark it, so dense as to melt and will not open, in a moment, only think I am twined inside, there is not any angry, tight unable breath.
ldquo; Disagreeable hellip; hellip; rdquo; I talk to oneself forcing a smile.
The love talked about, the woman of the love, everybody leaves I, my occupational disease so, seriously ill hellip; hellip;
This kind of feeling should be written down! Write the autobiography after staying!
ldquo; You still write this time, it is right that she leaves you. rdquo; The man behind is cold and cold says, I see him later, that handsome appearance lets me gnash one's teeth - -It is a rival in love! It is a beautiful and present lover!
I stand up and is eager for a fight.
ldquo; To you, it should be right that she leaves me. rdquo;
Give out in his throat lightly and smile, the quite interesting one says: ldquo; Prove to be the writer, the ones that play in characters really slip away! rdquo;
ldquo; The characters are not played. rdquo;
ldquo; Oh? To the writer who shows off the characters, do not just regard it as the game? rdquo;
I have wrinkled the eyebrow.
The characters are vast spirit, it is not a thing played! This man can snatch my girlfriend away, he can rely on one's own man's glamour to attract my woman, I do not have any right to interfere, but he comes to insult the characters that I respect most! I am unable to tolerate, even if that is his freedom, I am unable to forgive! This is a principle matter.
ldquo; What? How could I be behind you you are not curious? Why not ask who I am? rdquo;
This man's photo was beautiful given to me, because I tell her, should say good-bye to me, let me see the man who she looked for newly. This man does not know I know him, does not know best, I can laugh at his foolishness, can disdain the start that he thinks mysterious.
ldquo; Complete - -There is no interest! rdquo; I receive the paper pen in one's arms, place on the safest place. Then, a kick flies!
Li Ning brand accurate kissing that man's face of sports shoes which I bought newly.
Whom he does not take precautious obey, write the intersection of strength and line, play, go on one side, sit get ground. Though I want to praise him for not calling aching at all very much, I know very much its reason is not that he is strong and because my speed is too fast.
Reach, let people call response that ache soon, can only stay stupefiedly there: Have I been played? The thing when it is?
ldquo; You give me remember I it chides yous to be because you rob woman of me. Because you have insulted the characters! rdquo;
A sound of his has not been uttered, I just think he has not realized yet. Stalk off.
This time, it was I that left the background.
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