See that will bring to us to build up body once in a while something
Perhaps we often comfort oneself in this way, I do not really remember the bed today, wait for weekend and do exercises again. What then such weekend will bring to us to do exercises?
Many people spend two-day weekend carrying on the concentrating on type and building up body in order to remedy and temper insufficiently. The expert points out, do not bother to injure the body and hurt the body in sports meeting to build up body; And moving once in a while will make the body injure the body even more, is tantamount to " eating and drinking immoderately " .
Modern medical science discovers, like the person's mortality of participating in sports activity to be half of the persons participating in physical exertion once in a while. Can't insist for a long time people of sports, move once in a while as to those, will aggravate the abrasion of the life organ, organize the lose of the function and cause the life-span to shorten. 30 years old later, the person's every physiological function is by 0 for every year. 75% to 1% speed drop, and person and person to sit work that move once in a while, speed that physiological function degradate often twice of person who temper. Sport and player, both 35 year old, old and feeble intensity its can differ by 8 years; Can be differed by for 20 years each other by 45 years old, pass for 10 years each time later, disparity is increased progressively by two years.
The persons who concentrate on building up body mostly sit in the office in 5 days one week ago on weekend, basically have no sport, the health has already adapted to this kind of state in fact. Took out a lot of time to concentrate and do exercises suddenly on weekend, it is balanced to break physiology and organism already formed instead, its consequence is worse than not to move. Often carry on appropriate doing exercises instead of building up body once in a while and can lengthen the life-span, and have positive effect on also psychological health. The expert thinks, the result is mainly to temper the result that the trace is being accumulated constantly to build up body. What is called trace of doing exercises, namely the benign stimulus kept on the organism of persons who build up body after sports. If build up body the time interval is too long, do exercises again after the trace disappear to do exercises, each exercise means starting anew.
So, the method with effective science is to do exercises 3 to 5 times every week. The building up body clan of weekend is because of the limitations of time, can't look like at ordinary times there is abundant time on weekend, but can well be chosen the suitable project, carry on appropriate exercise in situ, nearby after dinner, can make it join like roller chain not to temper the trace. In this way, the result of doing exercises and is really improved physical stamina, improved health.
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