See which kind of fruit your health needs most? 's nutrition eats the material
Have hair dyed and perm - -Avocado
The course will seize moisture and oil in the hair to have hair dyed and perm, make the hair dry up. Contain 30% of the precious vegetable fat in the ripe avocado - -The oil is sour, have special efficiency to the hair drying up.
Excessively require mental skill - -Banana
Excessively require mental skill to lead to the fact vitamin, mineral and heat are scarce in the human body, supplementing bananas can offer the necessary nutriment and relieve passive mood.
Excessively use the eyes - -Papaya
Excessively use the eyes, key material vitamin A that retinal sensitization depends ons are consumed in a large amount, need to eat and can offer the papaya of a large number of vitamin A at this moment.
The gingivae bleeds - -Kiwi fruit
The gingivae of person who lacks vitamin C becomes fragile, often bleeding, swelling, the content of vitamin C of the kiwi fruit is the most abundant in the fruit.
Smoke for a long time - -Grape
The lung of person smoking for a long time gathers a large number of toxin, the function is damaged. The result composition contained can raise cell metabolism rate, help lung cells to arrange maliciously in the grape. In addition, the grape also has function of eliminating the phlegm.
Muscles are strained - -Pineapple
After muscles are strained, organize inflammation, blood circulation not to be smooth, the hot pain of injury and red swelling. The pineapple protease composition that the pineapple includes has antiinfectious function, can promote and organize repairing.
Prevent wrinkles - -Mango
The mango is the best fruit which prevents wrinkles, because contain an abundant B a carrotene and unique enzyme, can stimulate the cell vigor of skin, promote the offal to discharge.
Tinea pedis is perplexed - -Liu Cheng
The person lacking vitamin B1 in the body is easy to be perplexed by tinea pedis. In this case is most suitable for choosing the willow orange, it is rich in vitamin B1, and help the metabolism of glucose.
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