Sunday, November 18, 2012

It is astringent to can drink chrysanthemum scented tea while being tired for eyes to do

It is astringent to can drink chrysanthemum scented tea while being tired for eyes to do
Summary:Nest, in the intersection of air conditioner and secret room, facing toward computer for a long time, so that skin dry and eyes be astringent and tired all day, this is the most general trouble of a clan of office building. Drink scented tea is not only can moist skin and throat, there is very fine protective action on also eyes. Deal with problems such as black orbit, eyes edema,etc., in numerous scented tea, the the chrysanthemum tired to Shu's slow eyes is the most effective.

Nest, in the intersection of air conditioner and secret room, facing toward computer for a long time, so that skin dry and eyes be astringent and tired all day, this is the most general trouble of a clan of office building. Drink scented tea is not only can moist skin and throat, there is very fine protective action on also eyes.
Deal with problems such as black orbit, eyes edema,etc., in numerous scented tea, the the chrysanthemum tired to Shu's slow eyes is the most effective. It is called that the quilt in ancient times of chrysanthemum is refined " Lengthen the life serving " ,Belong to top grade crude drugs, have function of clearing away heat and detoxifying, making eyes bright.
Chrysanthemum can external application take orally, external application need, dip in some tea juice of chrysanthemum scented tea with cotton only, scribble around eyes, persevering can dispel the edema phenomenon. Take orally, have, pass, drink three to four cup chrysanthemum scented tea every day among the workshop, to helpful to recover eyesight.
It is too clear to slightly dislike the taste of net chrysanthemum scented tea, or not used to the sweet astringent taste, there is no harm in making another simple and easy protecting the eyes drink by oneself - -The intersection of chrysanthemum and tea Qi, namely add Matrimony vine into chrysanthemum scented tea, the two whether traditional Chinese medicine wear to partial to the intersection of eyes and crude drugs the name, it has certain curative effect that tired, with fuzzy eyesight to treating eyes.
Carry by the way, don't think flower of chrysanthemum white and great talent top grade, fact but opposite, the flower of the chrysanthemum is the lower, appearance is the uglier, it is top grade that the color is suffused with a yellow one old again.

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