Monday, November 5, 2012

Real friend It is the interpersonal psychology of _ of that person liking to sit with you

Real friend It is the interpersonal psychology of _ of that person liking to sit with you
When being the most depressed, most helpless, that person liking to sit with you, it is your real friend.

In 1962, writer Liu BaiYu cured the disease from Beijing to Shanghai. Suffering from rheumatic heart disease in his eldest son's bank bank at that time, he did not set one's mind at ease, let the bank bank go to Shanghai to see the doctor too. Unfortunately, because the therapeutic effect is not good, the condition of the bank bank disappears and takes a favorable turn, and also return to Beijing. Pale feather Liu have no alternative, have to let wife Wang Qi take the critically ill son and go home.
Two that afternoon in Beijings of mother and son, Liu BaiYu was restless, the irritation was uneasy. At this moment, Ba Jin, come white ward of feather Liu by Xiao Shan Mr. and Mrs.. After two people enter the door, everyone has not spoken a word, sit on the sofa quietly. In fact they find out about the bank condition in the bank very much, is all worrying, fear and meet accident on the road for him. Ward very quiet, Ba Jin stretch out one's hand hold white the intersection of feather and tremble and the intersection of sweat and the intersection of Tianjin and hand of Zimbabwe slightly Liu, stroke gently. Xiao Shan look out for white look of feather Liu, look at phone at the desk. The unexpected phone has rung, Xiao Shan picks up microphones busily ahead of Liu BaiYu. After the already safe news of reaching Beijing of deep and vast Qi's mother and son came in the telephoning, three easy tones long of people, all the smile has emerged on the face.
Originally, Ba Jin estimated that will call in Beijing that day, afraid of having sad news to come, Liu BaiYu can not bear, then specially come to accompany him with wife Xiao Shan. When two people stand up and take leave, Liu BaiYu insists on sending to the hospital gate. He holds Ba Jin's hands tightly, expresses thanks constantly. But Ba Jin has waved, says thinly, it doesn't matter, just free, only want to sit with you.


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