Step of technique of painting of the eye shadow
Technique of painting of the eye shadowDo you know? A lot of people will use when making the eyes and making upEye shadow,ButTechnique of painting of the eye shadowHave you really totally mastered? The persons of different eyes type makeEye shadowMethod different,it is read to come togetherHow to draw the eye shadow(indicating a suggestion, a request or a mild command)!
In position of the eyelid and position close to lower eyelid of 1/3 of end of eyes close to 1/2 of the end of eyes, it press close to from most begin area of eyelashes root with " gt;" The shape uses the eye shadow evenly. The holes of tail corner one position is must natural connect,is it had better in color can from in if you can't faint, dyeing outward, so as to make and produce the superstrong level sense.
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