The eyeball hardens and sees the light to enclose Take care of glaucoma
Glaucoma whether one have illness coming on, develop, be irreversible, cause blind difficult the intersection of eyes and disease at any time rapidly, all the life, will cause optic atrophy and visual field dwindle and eyesight fail, one can at all lose one's sight in 2448 hours. Glaucoma can eyes have illness coming on at the same time, can also get up disease at one glance, continue and take place the eyes to lose one's sight.
Glaucoma can happen at any age, its ill rate increases with growth of age. The persons who cause the eyes to lose one's sight because of glaucoma of the whole world account for 50% of the total number of blind persons. It was the day of glaucoma of world on March 6 of the past just now, the expert reminded, paid attention to doing a good job of 10 following things in life, help the defending early of glaucoma to manage early.
Often touch one's own eyeball, see the characteristic of glaucoma of light is that an eyeball is hardened, see the light has rainbows that is enclosed, should treat early after finding.
While preventing the stool of person of constipation, often have phenomenon that a intraocular pressure increases. Form habit of the regular stool, and eat more vegetables, fruit.
Insist the physical training of physical training can make the blood flow accelerate, extravasated blood of optical fundus is reduced, the water circulation of the room is unblocked, the intraocular pressure is reduced. But unsuitable to make handstand, in case that the intraocular pressure rises.
Often quantity is a intraocular pressure of wanting amount every year of the elderly of intraocular pressure, especially hypertension patient. Find cataract, the intersection of iris and inflammation take, treat early too, so as not to initiate, continue glaucoma of sending etc..
Keep happy mood angry and worry about and spirit is stimulated, it is very apt to make the intraocular pressure rise, cause glaucoma, so will keep the good morale at ordinary times, it is angry and worrying not to need, don't be anxious for the trival matters of house work.
Keep good the intersection of sleep and unsettled and insomnia, it is apt to cause the intraocular pressure to rise, glaucoma of kindling, the elderly wash the foot, drink the milk, can help to fall asleep before sleeping, take hypnotic if necessary, especially the intersection of intraocular pressure and taller person, want, sleep easy to feel even more.
No matter manual labor or mental labour of avoiding overworking, it is apt to make the intraocular pressure fluctuate after the health is overworked, so should pay attention to the life law, strike a proper balance between work and rest, avoid overworking.
Don't eat and drink immoderately and eat and drink immoderately, eat and drink extravagantly, will make the intraocular pressure rise, glaucoma of kindling. It is full that the elderly's beggar costs eight fen, do not smoke, does not drink, does not drink coffee, does not drink the strong tea, do not eat the stimulating food such as being spicy.
Eating more honey and honey of favourable water food belongs to and oozes pharmaceuticals high, after the oral honey, the infiltration in the blood will rise when pressing, then absorb the surplus moisture in the eyes in the blood, thus reduce the intraocular pressure. Besides this, water-melon, wax gourd, function that the favorable water steps down too of red bean, the elderly eat some more appropriately, benefit the health.
Don't wait in the intersection of light and dark environment in people that darkroom work, every 12 take, go out of darkroom or turn on light, light while being appropriate hour a long time. The person with emotional mood, should see the film little, should turn on the small light to light by the television while watching TV.
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