Breathe differentiation _'s symptom of suspending syndrome in sleep
In our country, breathe and suspend syndrome (OSAS) in blockade sleep taking snoring as main symptom Ill rate is for 4%,in 65 up to crowd morbidity 20% - 40% . Breathe and suspend syndrome (SAS) in sleep Evil consequences final last heart cerebrovascular diseases,and cerebrovascular diseases last disease cause of the death the first places global already in heart. The above-mentioned figure reminds clinicians, sleep disease has already become a kind of common disease, should diagnose actively that treat.
Breathe and suspend syndrome (SAS) in sleep Divided into three kinds of obstructive type (OSAS) types : There is not air current to mean nose and oral cavity, but the chest belly type is breathed and still existed; Centre type (CSAS) : Mean nose and oral cavity air current and chest belly type breathe sports to suspend at the same time; Phenotype (MSAS) : Mean breathing and suspending it in the course once, breathe and suspend the centre type at the beginning, it is breathed and suspended that the appearance that is continued is obstructive type. Clinical research show, in mouthfuls of the intersection of nose and the intersection of SAS and patient that air current cut off totally, obstructive type to account for 70%.
How to diagnose SAS
Main SAS shows as and snores, should inquire whether a patient breathes and stops the phenomenon while snoring in detail, make a definite diagnosis of and depend on leading more sleeps to breathe and monitor, this is " gold standard " of diagnosing SAS . Want the following people very carefully: First, overweight person, make, swallow part to be narrow while being fat, make person who swallow fat content of soft tissue increase, thus result in, relax degrees of increase, make, it swallows part to be easy to block. Second, breathe dissecting the narrow one exists in the passway, hupertrophy of tonsils, the intersection of gland and kinds of the intersection of body and loose little the intersection of lower jaw and deformity, nasal sinusitis, nasal polyp, nasal septum lean towards song and tongue body loose and the intersection of tongue and the intersection of root and lymphoid tissue increase Three some disease of whole body patient, thyroid gland function lower disease, limb, carry loose disease, the intersection of renal gland and the intersection of cortex and the intersection of hyperplasia and the intersection of disease,etc. and the intersection of endocrine and disease for instance. Dangerous increase, should pay special attention to when children, pregnant woman and the elderly suffer from SAS.
SAS and cardiovascular vessel disease
The majority discovers in recent years SAS is a dangerous factor independently of coronary heart disease, can cause heart failure, angina pectoris, myocardium infarction and die suddenly at night. Middle-aged and old the intersection of OSAS and incidence, patient of coronary heart disease increase, can make male dangerous the intersection of increase and 2.2 of angina pectoris, take place 1.8 times of dangerous increase of myocardium infarction. OSAS accompanies rhythm of the heart to be not normal and relatively common, including the sinus slow, sinus aroused in interest stops fighting, block of sinus room, room fighting early, room fighting early, auricular fibrillation and room tachycardia.
OSAS and hypertension
Should think of the possibility of OSAS while looking for the cause of disease of hypertension on clinic. Discover abroad, at least 30% the intersection of hypertension and patient amalgamate OSAS, 50% more than OSAS to independent of age, weight, diet, heredity hypertension outside the reason, have illness coming on one of the factors. The reason why OSAS causes the lasting hypertension may relate to repeated oxygen deficiency at night. Should pay attention to to snore, is addicted to the patient who sleeps the night in the daytime particularly. Secondly it is important to carry on some essential auxiliary examination, such as lead more sleep appearances and 24-hour arterial pressure and monitor etc..
Can select for use and has not created and kept in touch with and treated OSAS for the first time after diagnosing clearly, some patients' blood pressure can be dropped to normally, some patients can reduce the consumption of depressor. So, should pay attention to hypertension patient's amalgamating OSAS, should pay attention to OSAS patient's having hypertension at the same time, if the two amalgamate, store in, should treat at the same time and can make the best curative effect. Step down medicine can select angiotensin for use, change the intersection of enzyme and inhibitor such as turn on, fight put through etc., treat.
SAS and vascular disease of the brain
Discover, the influence that SAS is critically ill and dangerous to the brain blood vessel is greater than smoking and heart disease, smaller than hypertension, it is a dangerous factor that can't be ignored. SAS is a dangerous factor independently of apoplexy, can make the morbidity of apoplexy increase. Cerebrovascular diseases patient mostly have habitual snore history, brain stem arteriosclerosis has influenced the brain stem to breathe the blood supply of positions such as the centre,etc., cause the muscle tension of throat to lower, bring out or aggravate the sleep to breathe disorderlily, blood pressure and blood dynamics that can aggravate the patient conversely change. Hypoxemia disease and high carbonic acid blood disease can cause the brain edema, influence the blood flow of brain to circulate, lead to the fact that presses and increases in the cranium, form the vicious circle. Also find that there is patient's bad prognosis of apoplexy of brain of SAS at the same time, SAS can be as the independent index of apoplexy with bad prognosis of a prediction.
Study yet in recent years to find SAS and is closely related with dull-wittedly. This mainly breathes and delays causing hypoxia, carbon dioxide retention with the night, cause the cerebral hemisphere, especially the cortex and cortex make the damage of the function and have something to do. SAS patient relies mainly on the fact that the blood vessel is dull-witted dull-wittedly.
OSAS and chronic obstructive lung disease and lung worry
SAS is called overlapping syndrome while amalgamating chronic obstructive lung disease or other respiratory disease. The foreign investigation finds, 11% of the SAS amalgamates chronic obstructive lung disease, the overlap of two exists apter to cause lung worry. Is 47% that the rate of lung worry takes place to the syndrome patient to overlap, far higher than simple chronic obstructive lung disease (28%) And simple SAS ' 25% ) . OSAS can cause the chronic oxygen deficiency of repeated night, leads to the fact the erythrocyte increases, the viscosity of blood obviously increases, may cause the artery high pressure of lung, and then cause early lung worry. One discovers, there are 13 examples that can diagnose as lung worry in 24 OSAS patients, and 20 control groups and only one diagnose as lung worry, show SAS closely related to lung worry, it is worse to overlap the syndrome prognosis.
Treatment and preventing of SAS
Should pay attention to, prevent SAS at first, in daily life, one patient try not, lie supine sleep, prevent the root of the tongue, fall and stop up the angry way; Avoid, get drunk, take sleeping pill is otherwise easy to inhibit from, breathe, aggravate, snore little; Third, prevent from fat, in case that the angry way is narrow at shank fat deposit, enable.
Secondly, must go to the regular hospital to treat after making a definite diagnosis of. Most patient methods suitable for adopting the breathing machine of tapes are treated, the specific patient is suitable for the surgery treatment, but the recuring rate is high after the operation, should choose cautiously under the guidance of doctor.
[Little materials ]
The sleep can be divided into two kinds while snoring: The intersection of nore and disease and sleep breathe and suspend syndrome.
Simple nore means sound of snoring that is given out after the sleep and is greater than 60 decibels, influence it with the room person's sleep, not causing frequent standing up, avoid the phenomenon of feeling suffocated, the impact on health is small, do not need special treatment.
Sleep breathe, suspend syndrome, abbreviate SAS as, main characteristic whether patient present, breathe, suspend phenomenon repeatedly in sleep, cause oxygen deficiency, and then damage many kinds of organs.
The diagnostic standard of approved in the world at present SAS is clear: 7 hours appear 30 or more times and each more than 10 seconds breath suspends the phenomenon in the sleep every night, or suspend and low and keep in touch with the sum of the number of times over the breath of 10 seconds per hour on average, exceeds 5 times. It is kept in touch with that it is low to refer to, breathe more than 50% less than normal of intensity of air current, and drop with blood and oxygen saturation lever by more than 4%
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