General knowledge of _ related to feature that the sleep may suspend syndrome while breathing
Tokyo, July 3 (Xinhuanet) according to the report of medias here on the 3rd, the Japanese scientist finds in a research recently, breathe, influenced by skeleton, so sleep might relate to people's feature to delay syndrome to breathe.
In this research, the researchers of the east department of medial science of Nation university of Japan utilize the face photo to formate the method of the average feature model, will suffer from the sleep and breathe 71 Japeneses and 18 Canadians who will suspend syndrome and compare the feature with 12 healthy Japeneses. Found finally, breathed and suspended a syndrome patient to compare with healthy people in sleep, the eyebrow is longer to the distance between the mouth, the chin is relatively small too.
Researcher think face long and chin little the intersection of people and throat dark department swallow to be relatively narrow, so the angry way is easy to stop up. They propose, even if the weight does not exceed standard, the person with this kind of feature only often snores, should be checked as soon as possible.
Before this, people generally think, fat talents are apt to suffer from the sleep to breathe and suspend syndrome. But researchers find, while breathing and suspending a syndrome patient in 2 million to 3 million sleeps of Japan, weight 30% is normal, even some people relatively become thin.
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