Breathe mechanism's _ general knowledge of morbidity of suspending syndrome in sleep
It is not so obvious to breathe the morbidity mechanism of suspending syndrome in sleep at present.
It relates to the fact that the breath centre controls the function and changes to breathe the emergence which suspends syndrome in centre type sleep. For instance: Breathe the centre amazing response to hypoxia, high carbon dioxide to obviously drop at the time of the sleep; Breathe and control the unstability to feedback control of the centre; The conversion exhaling is unusual to inhale.
Breathing suspended emergence and the changes of the muscle, nerve and organism endocrine factor in obstructive sleep has a close relation.
It makes pictures to be whether sleep breathe, suspend in the mechanism that syndrome have illness coming on getting approving extensively " The balanced theory of strength " . The opening and closing of the angry way of going is just like " Stick up the board " Both ends,it is strengthen, be helped ways angry not to be lasted states open not to last muscule activity on ways angry expand, the air current is unobstructed; On the contrary, if because of the reason or nervous control function defect of muscles, the subside increase of the angry way of the throat, when inhaling, swallow the negative pressure in to increase, exceed angry expansion of dish when the most loud negative pressure that muscle can bear, the angry way is closed, the appearance is breathed and suspended. Upper angry way narrow among them and airway resistance increase, inhale velocity of flow increase, make the intersection of throat and reason that negative pressure increase under at the sleep. The air way to employ extensively now is pressing and keeping in touch with treating the sleep to breathe one of the cardinal principles which suspends syndrome, through pressing while improving and swallowing, to impel " stick up the board " Open to angry way one side and slope, prevent the upper respiratory tract from collapsing and breathing and suspending.
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