Monday, December 31, 2012

Sleep method Four key elements of health sleep

Sleep method Four key elements of health sleep
Pay attention to the method in health, keeping in good health pays attention to the route. Sleep that if you want to have, need, catch the intersection of health and 4 key elements of sleep firmly too. More notice in these four respects, sleep quality will be improved to some extent naturally.

Posture of the sleep The person with heart illness, preferably lie on one's side in many right, so as not to cause the heart to be pressed and increased to have illness coming on probability; Because blood pressure (the food of blood pressure) of the brain High and pain person, should underlay the location of pillow appropriately; Patient, department of lung, besides underlaying the pillow, should change, sleep side frequently, discharge so as to the intersection of phlegm and saliva, the stomach is seen bloatedly fully and hepatobiliary to be the disease person, is suitable for right side location sleep; The person who has pain of four limbs, the stress avoids oppressing sore spot and lying. In a word, it is comfortable and helping the sleeping in the location of the condition, contribute to sleeping peacefully to choose.



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