Tuesday, December 4, 2012

5 minutes before sleeping lazy MM has tender skin _ of water that moistens skin all the same

5 minutes before sleeping, lazy MM has tender skin _ of water that moistens skin all the same
Are MM liked staying in bed worried for the skin care of every morning? See this you need, worry each can sleep on heartily morning one needn't worry having no time skin care either enough collect, specially, worry about the question late for work. Simple, take five minute only, give you the intersection of ink and tender skin equally.

Maintain in 5 minutes before sleeping Water all the same of lazy MM skin is tenderWhile staying in bed, it is the most important to finish skin care as soon as possible. Now is divided into oily and two kinds of dryness according to skin quality, teach you that two kinds keep moist fast nursing method of water of skin.Skin quality of the drynessNeedn't use, wash one's face milk, need, spread the intersection of oil and person who dissolve or water soluble clean of lotion at face only, then wash off. So to can moisten absorbing by the skin very good clean pieces of lotion.Oily skin qualityNeed, wash face, it is or whether wet paper that baby use wipe face with wet paper that sell on the market to be the substitute is. Not having stimulating goods to the skin to select for use, clean the face gently.Cover on the face with a napkin behind after washing the face, notice the size can just cover the whole face. In this way, can make the skin keep appropriate moistening effectively, and absorb the moisture quickly, will not leave the fiber of the towel on the face either, does not need to take time.Mix the toner and cream together together then paint on the face, can select the goods with toner and cream function at the same time for use.Have a few time or skin very dry person can in paint, spread cosmetic liquid or skin cream finish toner and cream. Water keeping the skin on can be lasting like this is moist.Spread the frost of the foundation cream on the face, the place to have the flaw with the place or skin of sebaceous hypersecretion is daubed for the centre. Fetching right amount of makes the skin seem naturally.


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