Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Which five kinds of food are not eaten before sleeping

Which five kinds of food are not eaten before sleeping
Summary: Still some food will produce more gas in the course of digesting, thus produced the abdominal distension sense, hinder normal sleep, such as beans, pakchoi, onion, corn, banana,etc..
What food can not be eaten before sleeping? Have something to do and study and reveal: Caffeine, spicy food, having food on full belly function,etc. are not suitable for eating before sleeping.
First, caffeine
A lot of people know, the food containing caffeine will stimulate the nervous system, have certain diuresis function, it is a common reason for insomnia.
Second, spicy food
In fact, besides this, it is the important reason for influencing the sleep too to eat the spicy food at dinner. Hot pepper, garlic, onion cause and fire sense and indigestion in the stomach in a moment, and then influence the sleep.
Third, greasy food
The work that the greasy food will aggravate the intestines, stomach, liver, gallbladder and pancreas after eating is born, stimulate the nerve center, will let it be in working state and will cause insomnia too.
Fourth, have food on full belly function
Still some food will produce more gas in the course of digesting, thus produced the abdominal distension sense, hinder normal sleep, such as beans, pakchoi, onion, corn, banana,etc..
Fifth, drinks
Drinking was once thought to promote the sleep by a lot of people before sleeping, but recent research was proved, though it can let people fall asleep quickly, let sleep state stay shallow to sleep on one, it is very difficult to enter the sound sleep one. So, the person drinking even the time to sleep is very long, will still have a tired feeling after waking up.
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