Abundant chest before sleeping Treasured book of the saving oneself of lazy woman
Whether you add you to others " The peaceful princess " It is annoyed in order to,call you by " brother (chest bottom) about others " And abhor? Then you will try the following method, will let one's own chest be getting strong.
Before sleeping, prostrate in the bed first, the above chest position is stretched out of bed, then straightened the upper part of the body, both hands are done striking movements like breaststroke, the muscle elasticity of the chest that can also be strong.
Little trick of abundant chest of 15 minutes before sleeping
Take the intersection of massage and chest for less than 15 minute every day, can make the lines of chest perfect, and movements are simple and convenient, everybody there is no harm in trying it.
1,Have behind the bath, daub right amount of the intersection of chest and skin care products like abundant chest frost in na ture at the chest, surround and enclose under the chest with the tiger's mouth of both hands, is pushed away inwards by outside and pressed.
2,By meaning the belly is enclosed and struck and slips up from the chest, the positions of the highest chest, shank are repeated for several times.
3,Both hands use four ones that pointed to point the belly alternatively, enclose and pat under the chest rhythmically from lower to upper.
4,The tiger's mouth of both hands locates in both sides of breast, exert oneself to push and press forward.
5,Use the intersection of little finger of toe and ventral side, separately outside, below chest and inside pressed repeatedly.
As the saying goes: " Three points of medicine, seven fen is raised, defend very much. " Can be seen the importance of keeping in good health. There are old talents that need to keep in good health in a lot of people's consciousness, actually this is not so, it is a long way to keep in good health, the more go on this road early, benefited the more. Understand general knowledge of keeping in good health of more Chinese medicine please enter: Chinese medicine keeps in good health The editor recommends: Women can reach the abundant chest result to do it in this way without putting on flesh
The editor recommends: Recommend the abundant chest method of effective massage
The editor recommends: A line of massage of cave lets her have a beautiful abundant chest
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