Thursday, February 28, 2013

Research reveals the sexual life will not cause baby's premature delivery in pregnancy period

Research reveals the sexual life will not cause baby's premature delivery in pregnancy period
The researchers of north Carolina university of U.S.A. point out recently, though women carry on the sexual life with the spouse in pregnancy period it is a comparatively troublesome and uncomfortable thing for the experiment identification, but the sexual intercourse skill will not cause baby's premature delivery. In fact, carry on sexual intercourse help, reduce woman, give birth to possibility of baby 37 weeks before instead in pregnancy period. On the other hand, study, reveal, nourish many the intersection of afterbirth and women of child but speech as to those too, in certain risk of having sexual intercourse of pregnant latter stage. Researcher one of Amy - Iraq Sa rein in Dr., say: "We certainly can't exclude the possibility that carrying on sexual intercourse will exert an unfavorable influence to a few women, but as a whole, it helps babies to be born maturely instead to continue carrying on the sexual life in pregnancy period. " Researcher in give birth to the intersection of premature delivery and woman of baby to 187 and 409 give birth to mature woman of baby, draw above-mentioned conclusion carry on research, discover no matter how women's age, nationality and schooling are, it carry on sexual life can cause the intersection of baby and premature delivery in pregnant latter stage. Researcher point out woman carry on sexual intercourse explain, have an intimate relation between the two people with spouse in pregnancy period, the spouse plays a strong support role in women's production, the support on this kind of emotion but not sexual intercourse has certain function in reducing the probability of premature delivery. Research reveals, if women have been living together with spouse all the time in pregnancy period, and still insist on the sexual life, then their possibility to give birth to the premature delivery baby is lower. Researchers say, the reason why one of the reasons that will face this risk may be that they avoid carrying on life with the spouse willfully if those give birth to the women with higher possibility of early newborn baby, these women will often refuse to carry on the sexual life with the spouse on the grounds of body reason, and their health in pregnant latter stage is often relatively bad. Before this, some healthy experts have thought, women may cause babies not to born maturely while carrying on the sexual life in pregnancy period, but it says, the experiment proves this conclusion is incorrect to have skill researchers, the sexual life will seldom cause baby's premature delivery in pregnancy period.



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