Thursday, October 25, 2012

See the way to keep in good health of the long-lived old man in South Korea

See the way to keep in good health of the long-lived old man in South Korea
Brief content: TV play of Korea S. influences our life deeply, the exquisiteness of their life, the good and cool and cool and tangible individual characters advocated all make us aroused in interest, then let us see how the old man keep in good health too, seem industrious, notice what every country is the same too for the diet.

Has everybody understood foreign Chinese Methuselah? It is known how those foreign long-lived old persons keep in good health? I tell you the ways to keep in good health of the old men of South Korea below!
Pure prosperous prefecture of Jeollabuk-do, open prefecture of pool, asking the gift prefecture, valley to become the prefecture is the famous macrobiotic area of South Korea of Jeollanam-do. Recently, the aging research institute of the human science in Seoul university has organized more than 100 experts in fields such as medical science, food nutrition, ecological environment,etc., have carried on an large-scale investigation to the above-mentioned area. According to this investigations, experts summarize some generality of the long-lived old man in South Korea.
Couple share weal and woe
The investigation result reveals, it is still alive that there are spouses of 38% of the long-lived old men, and couple share weal and woe, and the long-lived old man's satisfaction to the spouse is up to 65%- 75%. The long-lived old man has good friends about 10 pieces on average, among them the most best friend is 2- 3 people on average. 1/3 of the long-lived old men meet with the friend every week at least. The investigation still finds, the more number of times the ones that associated with the friend are, the higher old man's satisfaction to life is.
Do house work personally
62% of the long-lived old men live together with children, the life alone and the long-lived old man with independent economy accounts for 14%. 22% of the men and 44% of the women are still doing house work personally in them, 21% of the long-lived old men are still engaging in farming.
Like eating fruit and soya bean
Among the long-lived old men investigated, only accounting for 20.4% of smoking, the ones that drank only accounted for 26.4%. 91% of the long-lived old men insist on having a meal on time, the malnutritive long-lived old man is only 14%. The food that long-lived the old men like eating is successively fruit, soya bean, mushroom and vegetables.
The heat that they take in everyday is 1284 calories on average, only accounts for 77% of the standard volume, the intaking amount of protein and iron exceeded the standard volume. The average sleep time of everyday of these old men is 8 hours, it is used to take a nap to close to half long-lived old men.
Heredity and macrobiotic relation are not big
The welfare Jin ZhongRen, professor of department of the Chinese Academy of Sciences of health care of mere university of South Korean garden says, the inherent cause just influences a respect of the life-span, if does not notice, the hereditary gene is better, it will be long-lived not to guarantee either in daily life.
See this is the South Korean's way to keep in good health, really different compared with Chinese Methuselah of China?
The editor recommends:Famous writer Luo Hong: Macrobiotic calm benefit of the mental state


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