Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Breathe and suspend syndrome and oesophageal backflow _'s symptom of the stomach in sleep

Breathe and suspend syndrome and oesophageal backflow _'s symptom of the stomach in sleep
" heartburn " at night It was the sleep that breathed and suspended the comparatively common symptom of a patient of syndrome, can chock suddenly and cough, breathe heavily and suppress but suppress waking up, one sits from the dream sometimes. Have reported 150 severe sleeps are breathed and suspended in a syndrome patient, 59% of the people have this symptom at home, we see 2 severe sleep breathe, suspend the intersection of syndrome and patient, lie supine location present, chock, cough and suppress and wake up suddenly often at the sleep, so has produced the sense of fear to the sleep. This because acid material in the stomach enter damage that gullet causes due to mostly, if it can cause blocking or asthma to break out to flow into the throat department or trachea instead. Obstructive type while breathing and delaying happening, the patient breathes hard in order to oppose the respiratory tract and block, the pressure is lowered sharply in the brain, the belly is breathed hard at the same time, the belly is pressed and increased, it is extremely apt to cause the thing backflow of the stomach content. In addition, animal experiment find acid reflectivity of can stimulating of throat portion cause or aggravate, breathe, delay. In child, gullet breath that backflow cause it suspends to be to cause sudden reason that blow.
Until the intersection of gullet and underpart put the intersection of pH and electrode, monitor sour alkali change in the gullet, in order to find out about the severity of backflow accurately continuously, can diagnose the emergence of backflow of gullet and suspended relation of breath clearly if breathe and monitor the sleep at the same time. Need, use, resist the intersection of acid and medicine sometimes, after simple application press, keep in touch with means, remove, breathe, delay, can make the backflow esophagitis condition relieve.


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